P4N 7/2/20

We have been very busy this week in Primary 4.  In topic we have been looking at Viking shields and we designed our own patterns to create our own shields.

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We have also read a passage about Vikings and looked at some comprehension questions. We used this passage to think about a setting for a story: A Stormy Night on a Boat.

In maths we have started our new topic which is Fractions. We have been recapping what we already know and reminding ourselves of what a fraction is and how we can show them in different shapes.

In spelling, group 1 were focusing on plural words such as babies, rectangles, triangles. Group 2 were looking at words with ‘air,’ such as airport, chairs, funfair. We also had a good recap of all the spelling words we have done so far this year!

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend 🙂

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