Week 11

This week in P4N, we have started looking at a new climate zone – The Arctic. We used our theme of the Arctic to pretend we were scientists, describing our journey using our 5 senses. We have been using our skills from our ‘sentence battle’ on Monday by uplevelling boring sentences – Zack, Tyler and Jaxon were the battle champions!

We have been reading more of our novel Kensuke’s Kingdom and today we wrote a fantastic piece of writing on what we would see, think and wonder if we were Michael washed up on the island!

In maths we have been continuing to practice our 6 times table. We have also been looking at adding 2 digit numbers bridging 100, using different strategies. For outdoor learning day we did a relay addition race around the trim trail track solving problems and running to the next person. The winning team was Aaron, Lexi, Zack and Evie!

In topic this week we have been keeping track of the weather using our weather observation chart, recording temperature and rainfall.

With Mrs Tavendale we have been looking at animals in French, multiplication and division of 6 times table and poems based on Remembrance Day.


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