Week 9

This week in P4N, we have building on our maths skills by exploring different strategies when adding 2 digit numbers together and when when adding several numbers together at once. We have been looking for easy ways to add numbers together, particularly using our knowledge of number bonds to make the addition easier!

We have recapped our knowledge of number bonds to 20 to help us do this in our whistle speed test, focusing on how quickly we can get them all correct. Aaron came in 1st place, Tyler in 2nd and Ruairi in 3rd!

We have also been looking at the 6x table and practicing together as a class. We are also making sure we remember our 4x table aswell by practicing through the group speed test. The Bouncing Bunnies came first this week with a score of 45 seconds!

In literacy this week we have been looking at new spelling words including ‘le’ sound, e.g. angle, dwindle, grumble. We have also been practicing common words that sometimes trick us e.g. usually, remember, happened etc. We practiced these in our sprint and blind spelling games.

This week we did a piece of free writing, where we chose a picture to help us write an imaginative story. We had some fantastic story ideas, dogs getting lost in the middle of the sea (Alicia), adventure story (Evie), Autumn birds changing colours (Jay).

We have started our new class novel ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ where we have began to think about what it must be like to live on a boat and the pros and cons of sailing around the world.


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