Week 5

This week in P4N, we have been learning about place value and ordering and sequencing 4 digit numbers. We have also been learning to use the ‘less than’ and ‘greater than’ symbols – < and >.

We have been playing the magic number game, which involves us guessing the digits in a number using clues from the rest of the class. We have played girls v boys – the girls are in the lead! “Go girls” says Ruby!

We practiced our 4 times table during the Whistle Speed test – Ruairi, Khloe and Ryan came in first, second and third place! We have continued to practice through the hammer game, whilst doing work on the 3 times table with Mrs Tavendale.


We have practiced our spelling words focusing on the ‘ee’ sound using ‘ee’ and ‘ea’ spelling in our blind spelling game.


This week we have planned and written fantastic pieces of imaginative writing, pretending to be a rainforest animal, using our five senses. The focus this week was on using exciting adjectives to ‘uplevel’ our sentences and everyone has done a great job!




We were learning about Buddhist temples.


We have started our topic of ‘living things and their habitats’ this week and we were outside looking for different habitats and describing them in detail. Some of the girls during Golden Time have started our wall display painting trees and rivers.

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