P4N 31/1/20

Hello everyone,

This week we have been very busy doing lots of different things. In topic we have been looking at Viking Longboats and we found out some very interesting facts! We used this knowledge in our writing ‘A Viking Journey’ where we were focusing on describing the setting using adjectives and including feelings. Our Star Writers this week were Bella, Zack and Evie, well done!

We were very lucky to have a visit from a Chef where we explored and discussed our 5 senses as we tried lots of different foods. We also got to wear some chef hats!

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In maths we have had a particular focus in subtracting numbers mentally and also through problem solving activities. The square and triangle groups were put to the test to see who could crack the code of the ‘Subtraction Challenge.’ Many of us showed determination and resilience to complete it, well done!

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We were playing some more spelling games this week and for extra practice we were spelling the words out on each others backs, trying to guess which word it was. We loved this game, try it out with us!

Have a lovely weekend! 🙂

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P4N 24/1/20

Hello everyone!

This week in P4N we have been developing our topic knowledge of the Vikings by researching all about the Longhouses that they used to live in. We used different sources to do this: videos online, Viking books and a fantastic app called ‘Google Expeditions’ which allowed us to see what the inside of a Longhouse actually looked like! We loved using that app and found some fantastic facts which we used to create an annotated diagram.

In writing this week we decided to create a story with the title ‘A Day in the Life of a Viking Child.’ We had lots of discussion about how different it must have been to be a child all the way back then. We had some fantastic pieces of writing! Our star writers of the week were Jaxon, Elise and Jack T. Well done!

In maths we have been looking at ‘Think Grids’ which show a subtraction sum in several different ways: a story, a picture, the number line method and its number family! This has allowed us to get a better understanding of what the sum actually means and what it looks like.

We played a great game of sprint spelling and we had some tricky words like ‘sincerely’ and ‘completely,’ please test us!


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Thank you for reading our blog 🙂


In maths we have been working further on subtraction but this week working with 3 digit numbers! We have been looking at subtracting near multiples of 10. Example:   166 – 31. We could take away thirty



We have also been looking at Viking Gods this week and we have researched different ones: Thor, Loki, Odin, Freya. We also went on a trip to the local library today where we found lots of non-fiction and fiction books on the Vikings. We have taken them back to class and looking forward to finding out some new facts!

We watched a video about a story – Freya and the Goblins. We used the first part of the story to write our own endings.

Our Star Writers this week were – Elise, Jay and Evan. Well done!

Have a lovely weekend! 🙂


Happy New Year! It has been a great start back to school this week in P4N, we have been very busy!

We have been writing about our favourite day of the holiday. Our star writers included lots of detail and great punctuation: Ryan, Layla and Ruairi, well done!

We have also been exploring our class novel further and discussing what we would need to survive on an island. We chose someone to write a letter to, as if we were stranded on an island and the work was fantastic!

We completed a book review of our previous reading book and we were given our new reading books this week. In our reading circles we read and explored the first chapter.

Our spelling words this week have been tricky, with our rule being ‘n’t’ e.g. shouldn’t, didn’t, couldn’t – please test us!

In maths we have been revisiting the subtraction strategies we practiced before the holidays and we have also been looking at number stories, here is an example from Lexi:

62 – 20 = 42

62 – 42 = 20

42 + 20 = 62

20 + 42 = 62


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We have also started the 8 x table this week with Mrs Tavendale.

P4 are excited about our new topic – The Vikings which we have began this week. We discussed what we know already, what we would like to know and how we will find out.


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Thank you all for reading our blog, have a lovely weekend! 🙂