Christmas fun in P4N!

Hello everyone, we have had a very busy few weeks with lots of singing practice for our concerts last week and social dancing for our Christmas parties.

Writing – Last week we continued to look at persuasive writing where we focused on using bossy verbs and writing in paragraphs in a letter to Santa! We had to write 3 good things we have done this year to convince Santa to come to our house and the writing was very persuasive!Image preview


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Maths – We have continued to explore subtraction strategies still focusing on using 2 digit numbers. We are getting much quicker in answering questions. We have also been developing our times tables skills with Mrs Tavendale by using our knowledge to design Christmas baubles.

We have also had a visit from the SSPCA this week, telling us about how animals can be effected by the winter and how we can help them.


Thank you for reading our blog! 🙂

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