P4N 22/11/19


This week in our reading circles we were looks at higher order questioning, reading a new chapter of our book with our groups and discussing questions such as ‘how could you change the story to make a different ending.’

We have read chapter 5 of our class novel and we wrote a character description of the main character Kensuke. We used the novel to highlight parts which told us a little about his physical appearance and his personality to draw and write the character description.

We have also had a new focus in grammar this week, looking at speech marks and how to use them. We had another sentence battle this week and Alicia and Layla were the winners!

Through book week we have also looked at Authors Live where we learned a little about Alex T Smith, the author and illustrator of the Claude books. We also got to draw our own Claude and he showed us step by step.


In music this week we learned how to play jingle bells on the keyboard, guitars and drum pads.


Our climate focus of the week has been on climate change. We have been looking at how car pollution effects the environment and we have been designing our own posters to reduce the use of cars around the school. These posters had to include snappy slogans, illustrations and have an eye catching layout.



We’ve been continuing on with addition strategies this week looking at partitioning numbers and ‘finding the difference between two numbers’ using a variety of strategies. We did a fantastic job of explaining the different ways we can ‘find the difference’ between 2 numbers, try us with a few examples!

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