P4N 15/11/19

Our climate zone of the week has been the rainforest. We have continued our climate fact file by researching information on the computers about the rainforest. Zack and Ryan found out that the Amazon rainforest is 5.5 million km squared! Through our topic we have also looked at the water cycle and we have remembered some of the new vocabulary – runoff (Elise), precipitation (Robbie), condensation (Ellie) and evaporation (Tyler).

We have been reading more of Kensuke’s Kingdom and for our writing this week we used our five senses to describe a story setting with a waterfall. Some of the stories were fantastic! We have also been developing our VCOP skills – this weeks focus has been on apostrophe’s!

In reading we also used our knowledge of Kensuke’s kingdom to highlight key words that describe 2 different settings in the story and then we illustrated them.


We have also been working on our new spelling words in sprint and blind spelling.

It has been Anti-bullying week so today we looked at what bullying looks like, how it can make people feel and what we can do to help.


We have been looking at different adding strategies e.g. compensation so to add 19 we know we can add 20 and take away 1.

We have beenĀ  looking at making up our own word problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division!

We have also been recapping our number bonds to 10, 20 and 100.


Happy Children in Need Day! (Ellie)


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