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P2B 4.10.19

“We were designing shapes. We were designing hexagons, pentagons and octagons.” (YJ)

“We all had fun making boats and it was our favourite thing. We used all different kinds of trash.” (MLS)

“We made boats for Mr Grinling today.” (KL)

“We were making Mr Grinling boats and it was very fun because we got to choose what we were using. We liked it.” (MS)

“We were making boats for Mr Grinling because he has been silly again and he forgot to tie up his boat. We made him a new one.” (MD)

“I liked making the boats and testing it in the water.” (MB)

“We were practicing going on Sumdog. We enjoyed it.” (MB)


P2B 26.9.19

“We were counting by tens and ones in cubes.” (DD)

“We were counting in 10s at numbers with cubes and we did a great job. We worked hard and we did good.” (LR)

“We wrote about our favourite lunch. My favourite was mince and tatties.” (MD)

“We were playing with cubes by counting in 10s and we had long ones and short ones. The long ones were 10s and the small ones were ones.” (EK)

We are learning this song for our Harvest Assembly next week. If you have any food donations, please send them in with your child.

Thank you to everybody who brought in recycling materials for our junk modelling. We are looking forward to designing and creating our boats!

Our sound for next week is ‘oo’ from ‘look’ and ‘food’. In maths we will continue to look at 10s and 1s and we will also start learning about shapes to include pentagons, hexagons and octagons.

P2B 20.9.19

We were practicing sequencing numbers to 100.

Well done to everybody that prepared and presented as part of our pupil council election. We are proud to announce that KR will be our pupil council representative this year.

“This is the pupil council presentations. Even though I didn’t win I still thought I tried my best”. (CG)


“We were making numbers out of coins.” (TW)

“We were doing science. We were checking stuff in the water to see if they sink or float.” (DD)

“I liked putting the button in the water. I thought it would sink. I was right.” (MB)

“We were predicting if the button would float or sink”. (CS and MD)

We have enjoyed playing this game to help us count in 10s and 1s.

Next week we will be looking at the ow sound from blow and snow. We will continue to learn about counting in 10s and 1s. We will also be designing boats as part of our Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch topic. If you have any recycling materials that you think might be suitable for this project, please wash them where appropriate and send them in with your child before next Friday.


P2B Newsletter

Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope you find the following information useful.  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

General Information:

I hope you all had a lovely summer holidays. Children in P2B have made a great start to the year, and are working hard.

Brand new Red Communication poly pockets have been distributed to every child.  We ask you look out for these in your child’s school bag as it will have information about homework be used for other school communication.

You will be able to follow what we have been doing in class each week by looking at our class blog.

Homework will be issued on a Monday and should be completed by Thursday.  There will a selection of Numeracy and Literacy (spelling and reading) activities and occasionally topic related tasks.

Please ensure your child has an appropriate snack kept separately from their lunch.   Your child should also have a clearly labelled water bottle everyday which is filled prior to arriving at school.  Please ensure your child has a labelled weather appropriate jacket as there will be outdoor learning opportunities.

Class Dojo

To promote positive behaviour Primary 2 are using Class Dojo.  Please note we cannot access the messaging aspect of Class Dojo. Should you need to contact us please do so by telephone or in writing.

PE days

P2B have PE on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit, to include a t-shirt, shorts and gym shoes, which will be left in school. Where appropriate, please remove or tape over earrings.

Learning focus this term:

Through our topic ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ we will be learning about:

  • Describing characters and settings in the story
  • Floating and sinking
  • Healthy eating
  • The purpose of a lighthouse
  • How to react in unsafe situations and emergencies

If you have any experience in this area, please let us know. We would love to have some ‘experts’ come in to share in our learning journey.

Core Literacy:

  • We are continuing with our Read, Write Inc literacy programme for phonics. ‘Fred’ will help us to sound and blend words to help us read and write.
  • P2B pupils will be bringing home two books each week for the rest of this term. One will be a book of their choice from our class/wing library. Please enjoy these books together and encourage your child to bring them back to school so they can be swapped for another story.
  • Children will also bring home a reading book, although this may not be issued on the same day each week. They may also have a tricky words list to practice. Please read these with your child every night wherever possible, and ensure that the reading book is kept in your child’s red folder and brought to school every day.
  • Our writing lessons will focus on different genres to include letters, lists and imaginative stories. We are developing the use of connectives within our sentences, such as ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘because’ to extend our writing. We will also be developing our handwriting skills.
  • We are working on our listening and talking skills through Show and Tell, Book Blessings and sharing our news at circle time.

Core Numeracy:

This term will be focusing on

  • Ordering and sequencing numbers to 100 and beyond
  • Properties of 2D shapes and 3D objects

We will also be learning about Christianity in RME.

Health and Wellbeing:

As a Health Promoting school we actively encourage and teach our children to make healthy choices, to enable then to become healthy, active and emotionally resilient young people of the future.

We are delighted to be able to continue to deliver 2 hours of PE a week as well as opportunities for children to be active in our fabulous new grounds.

We would appreciate your support in promoting a healthy and balanced diet, both in your child’s morning snack and in their packed lunch.  We would discourage any type of fizzy juice in school or energy drinks.  Children are encouraged to bring in a water bottle, which they can use during class time.  There are water fountains situated throughout the school for daily use.

Please encourage your child to participate in the Active Sports Clubs that are on offer at lunchtimes and after school, as well as any school based clubs that take place throughout the year.  Keep looking in school bags for further information.

A reminder that all children who cycle or scooter to school must wear a safety helmet and ‘walk’ their bikes whilst in the playground. There are bike racks available.

Class Birthdays

We always celebrate if a member of the class has a birthday however we would request that birthday cakes are not brought into school to share with the class. In school, we have children with allergies who may be at risk from some ingredients. The cutting up and distributing of birthday cake also cuts into valuable learning time.

Playground toys:

We have a playground equipment for children to play with during lunchtime.  Please do not bring in your own toys – except for Golden Time on a Friday – so that we can be sure that all toys in the playground belong to the school.  Many thanks for your support.

Golden Time toys:

Children can bring a ‘toy’ to school on a Friday to play with during Golden Time. Please remember that the school cannot take responsibility for the safety of these toys and therefore we request that your child does not bring in expensive/ electronic items without your consent.  We appreciate your support with this matter.

Yellow Wing Cuddle on the Couch:

Please help us to promote reading by joining us for Cuddle on the Couch.  Come along to the Yellow Wing and spend some time reading with your child.  Dates have been issued. If you require further information, please ask a member of staff.

I look forward to working in partnership with you this session.

Kind regards,

Mrs Black

P2B 13.9.19

“I got the golden ticket when I was picking up the rubbish.” (YJ)

“We were building a space ship”. (JH)



“We were using the computers and logging on and logging off. The P6 were helping us. We had our passwords and usernames.” (DD, LB, AC)


“We were on a noun hunt”. (MLS)

“We were writing about the Lighthouse Keepers Cat.” (MD)

“We were doing role play about Jesus telling the story of the robbers knocking out somebody. There was a man who walked past and another man who walked past. The last man who walked past helped the man. We learned not to just help our friends but to help everybody”. (CS, EK)

“We were practicing counting in 10s. We were playing unlucky. We were playing a duck game (the link is below) and we had a hundred square to help us”. (ME, SL, EK)

P2B 6.9.19

“We were making skies and storms for the Lighthouse Keeper’s lunch. We were using chalk and we are going to do some water. We also did sunsets. We were using the sides of the chalk.” (JH, TK and MD)

“I liked writing and drawing the things in the picnic baskets. It was so much fun. We were learning about the Lighthouse Keeper and we liked all of the food that was in the picnic basket. We were trying our best to remember capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. We worked hard on it.” (ER, KL, LR, DD)

“We were writing the missing numbers to practice writing numbers the right way and we were putting them in the right order. It was so much fun.” (KM, JH, SL)

“We were counting numbers and making them. We had good fun. We were writing numbers up to 9. We were practicing our numbers because some of us make them the wrong way.” (DD, MB, JH and NB)

“We had so much fun playing with playdoh and making them into numbers. We liked doing it.” (MLS)

Next week, we will be revising the ay and ee sounds. We will also be continuing to practice our numbers forwards and backwards to 100.

P2B 30.8.19

“We were playing number bingo. We all liked it.” (EG, MB)

“We were playing drama. We were pretending to be animals. We were hunting for food. We paused and had to freeze” (MG, LR and OCP)

“We were cutting and sticking pictures from Mr Grinling’s Lunch – from the Lighthouse Keepers Lunch. We had good fun.” (MS and EK))

“We liked logging on and logging off of the computers. The P6s helped us.” (CS and JH)

“We were making numbers with shells. We had lots of fun using chalk, shells and stones. We liked it.” (DD, SL, MD)


Next week we will be focusing on the sound ‘ee’ and we will continue to practice our numbers to 100.

Welcome to P2B 23.8.19

“I liked colouring in at soft start.” (TW)

“We built a big wall tower today. It was good fun.” (JH)

“We made pictures of being good friends and bad friends.” (MD)

“I liked colouring in the big picture of the Lighthouse from The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch.” (NB)

“We learned colours in French like bleu. I sit at tableau rouge”. (CG)