All posts by clsblack@glow

Merry Christmas from P2B

Merry Christmas from P2B! We have loved our last week of term – our Christmas Party was so much fun and we really enjoyed singing ‘A Miracle in Town’ at our church service today.

Hoping everybody stays safe over the holidays. Looking forward to seeing them back, ready to enjoy their learning after the holidays.

Mrs Black

13.12.19 P2B

“We were posting a letter to Santa.” (KR)

“We were learning about compasses because we like Santa to come to town. That’s why Santa needs one.” (LR)

“We were playing with the marble run.” (KM)

“Harrison got the trophy for scoring the goal.” (JH)

P2B 6.12.19

“We were making 10 to help us to make easy sums”. (TW and LB)

“We were practicing maths by making 10 because some of us find it hard to do it. It is important to help us add with friendly numbers like 10 because they are easier.” (GH and EK)

“Kyle was sharing his special coins.” (OCP)

We are continuing with our nativity rehearsals this week and are looking forward to presenting to our adults next week!

In maths, we are continuing with adding and subtracting and are also looking at patterns.

We will be learning the ‘ea’ sound like cup of tea.

We will also be delivering our letters to Santa on Friday first thing. If you are able to help out, please let me know as soon as possible.

We will be visiting the P7 Christmas Fayre on Thursday at from 11-11.30am. If you are able to come along with your child we would love to see you.

P2B 22.11.19

We’ve been working hard in maths learning about making 10 to help us with our adding sums. Ask us about it!

We are excited about our Read Write Count bags – it’s like Christmas has come early!

We went to Mars this week. The kids had a great time. Ask us about it!

P2B 15.11.19

“We were making odd socks because we are all different.” (ME)

“We were making the solar system in science.” (MBro)

“I liked doing the Pudseys and colouring them in. I had fun doing the pictures because my friends were doing the same one as me.” (JH and DD)

“We were hearing about HB’s football book”. (TK)

“We were doing sumdog and we had fun.” (EG)

“I made a book about a princess and a unicorn.” (GH)

Next week is BookWeek – as will be enjoying lots of books together. We will focus on the sound ‘ir’ from whirl and twirl. In maths, we will be looking at partitioning through 10 to add and describe numbers to 20 e.g. 9+4 = 9+1+3 = 10+3 =13, and 7+6 = 7+3+3 = 10+3 = 13.

We’ve enjoyed watching this video about the solar system this week.

P2B 8.11.19

“I got a letter from Nicola Sturgeon and I was really surprised when I got it. I did not know who it was, but then I got told that she runs the Scottish Parliament. I got the letter for helping a little P1. I helped her because she was sad because she was missing her Mum. I decided to help her with a magic trick. I did Makaton to help her and it worked!” MD

“We like doing maths. We were looking at next door neighbour numbers and counting near doubles and it was fun.” (LR)

“We made a sun and a moon and Earth and they spin around. It was really fun. We glued one part and then we pinned them.” (ER)

“We were making moons, suns. We glued them together and then we pinned them.” (DD)

“When we were doing handwriting we were practicing our capital Cs and normal cs.” (GH)

P2B Class Newsletter

Class Newsletter: Term 2

Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope you find the following information useful.  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact either of us.

Learning focus this term:

Through our topic Space we will be learning about:

  • The Sun, Earth and Moon
  • The Planets
  • Life as an astronaut

If you have any experience in this area, please let us know. We would love to have some ‘experts’ come in to share in our learning journey.

Core Literacy:

  • We are continuing with our Read, Write Inc literacy programme for phonics. ‘Fred’ will help us to sound and blend words to help us read and write.
  • Children will bring home a reading book, although this may not be issued on the same day each week. They may also have a tricky words list to practice. Please read these with your child every night wherever possible, and ensure that the reading book is kept in your child’s red folder and brought to school every day. If you would like to fill in your child’s new diary, please do so. Pictures of books in the diary can be coloured in each time your child reads from their reading book. We hope that this will encourage more regular practice at home.
  • Our writing lessons will focus on letters, lists and imaginative stories. We are continuing to develop the use of connectives within our sentences, such as ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘because’ to extend our writing. We will continue to recognise and use verbs, nouns and adjectives in our reading and writing. We will also be developing our handwriting skills.
  • We are working on our listening and talking skills through Show and Tell, Book Blessings, the Nativity and sharing our news at circle time. Some children in our class have really enjoyed creating their own books and sharing these to the class. This helps the children identify themselves as writers and develops presentation skills. I hope that this will continue throughout the session.

Core Numeracy:

This term will be focusing on

  • Addition and subtraction, to include doubles, and tens and ones
  • Money
  • Pattern
  • Compass points

Core Health and Wellbeing:

Pupils will be representing our class this term through selling poppies as part of our school’s commemoration of Remembrance Day. We will continue to develop our friendship skills, such as respect, sharing and listening.

This term, we are learning to be like Learning Larry. Pupils will be able to receive their Learning Larry certificate if they:

  1. Come to school with everything they need to learn (including red communication folders, reading books and diaries)
  2. Listen carefully to instructions
  3. Follow instructions promptly
  4. Always try their best
  5. Present work neatly and take pride in their work
  6. Never give up!

We will have further certificates for other Redwell’s Rights and Respecting School characters later in the session.

We will continue to learn about Christianity in RME.

Yellow Wing Cuddle on the Couch:

Please help us to promote reading by joining us for Cuddle on the Couch. Come along to the Yellow Wing and spend some time reading with your child.  Our last session for this term will be on Monday 9th December. If you require a schedule of Cuddle on the Couch dates, please contact the school office.


This year P2 will be participating in the nativity, which will be taking place during the week beginning 9th December. All children will be learning songs and some will have speaking parts. These will be sent home for you to practise with your child.

Lost Property:

We are aware that children sometimes misplace jumpers and other items of clothing. Please ensure that your child’s name is on every piece of clothing that comes into school. Children are given opportunities to find their property in class and throughout the school. If your child comes out of school without some of their belongings, they will be given the opportunity to retrieve their property the next day.

I look forward to working in partnership with you this session.

Kind regards,

Mrs Black

P2B 1.11.19


Lots of Halloween fun in P2B this week! Thank you to our parent council for supplying us with new diaries. Please use these to check your child’s reading assignment, and encourage them to colour in a book in the diary each time they read it.

P2 are working with P6 next week to sell poppies to the other children in the school.

We will be focusing on the ‘or’ sound next week, and in maths we will continue with doubles to 20 and beyond, and introduce near doubles (e.g. 3+4=3+3+1=6+1=7). These are important to help our children develop their mental maths skills. Here’s a video you might want to see to explain how these work.

P2B 25.10.19

“We were making numbers with the rekenreks.” (ME)


“EK made a book and she read the book. Her book was about a boy in a cave and he got diamonds and then he went home.” (CS)

“We were going on to Sumdog playing games on Sumdog.” (TW)

“We were playing on Sumdog. Some of us chose different games and we also typed in our passwords.” (AC)

Next week we are learning the sound ‘ar’ like start the car! In maths we will be learning about doubles.

P2B 11.10.19

“We were making Christmas cards with snowmen on the front. We used oil pastels”. (ME)

“I brought the book that I made. Making the book was fun. It was about some friends.” (KR)

“We were looking at the book. We were reading them to each other. We were working with a partner. We were reading books. You could read them on the floor or anywhere. We liked it.”

“We were going on the laptops and going to Google Chrome and going onto Sumdog.” (MB)