P2B 20.9.19

We were practicing sequencing numbers to 100.

Well done to everybody that prepared and presented as part of our pupil council election. We are proud to announce that KR will be our pupil council representative this year.

“This is the pupil council presentations. Even though I didn’t win I still thought I tried my best”. (CG)


“We were making numbers out of coins.” (TW)

“We were doing science. We were checking stuff in the water to see if they sink or float.” (DD)

“I liked putting the button in the water. I thought it would sink. I was right.” (MB)

“We were predicting if the button would float or sink”. (CS and MD)

We have enjoyed playing this game to help us count in 10s and 1s. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/place-value-basketball

Next week we will be looking at the ow sound from blow and snow. We will continue to learn about counting in 10s and 1s. We will also be designing boats as part of our Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch topic. If you have any recycling materials that you think might be suitable for this project, please wash them where appropriate and send them in with your child before next Friday.


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