2.9.19 P1C

Primary 1C  are settling well and getting to know the rules and routines of the class and the school.

In Literacy the children have learned 5 new sounds, ‘m’, ‘a’, ‘s’, ‘d’ and ‘t’. Practising these sounds at home through games and discussions will really help your child to consolidate their learning. You could hunt for things round the house that have one of these sounds for example.

In Numeracy the children have been introduced to the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4. We have been learning how to form the number correctly as well as counting and looking at quantities through games and play. Counting out loud together at home is a great idea to consolidate learning.

Gym will be on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.  It would be helpful if all children could be supplied with a gym bag containing a t-shirt, shorts and gym shoes.  It would also be very helpful if all items of clothing, water bottles, shoes, blazers and pencil cases could be labelled.

Lastly, I would like to add a polite reminder that only water is allowed in the classroom. Please only fill your child’s water bottle with water as opposed to juice. Thank you in advance for your support.



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