This week in Primary 1C

This week we have been revising all the sounds we have learned so far and the 9 tricky/common words.  For the next two weeks the children will not have homework but it would be great if they could continue to practise their sounds and tricky/common words.

In maths this week we have been revising all numbers to 10.  We did this through a variety of active maths stations.  Next week we will continue to learn about numbers to 10 .   We are focusing on the number order, the number before and the number after, counting and matching, number recognition and formation.

Next week we are looking forward to the Harvest assembly in which we are singing a song all about vegetables.

Mrs Conroy will be in school on Thursday next week because of parents evening and Mrs Stewart will be in on Friday.

Have a lovely weekend!

This week in Primary 1C 20.9.19

This week we have been working really hard to learn the sounds  g, o and c.   We have been learning the rhymes that go with each sound to help us to form the letters correctly.   We also drew detailed pictures during story writing this week about something we have done or are going to be doing at the weekend.  Mrs Conroy thought that our pictures were Fantastic!

This week in maths we  listened to stories all about ‘Naughty Nine’, ‘Tiger Ten’ and ‘Greedy Zero’.  We sang number songs to 20 and we also practised forming these numbers as well.  We also change the calendar  each day, so we have to think about what day of the week it  is, month of year and the date.

Thank you very much for your support with homework!  It has been lovely to see how hard the children have been working on their sounds and numbers.   It would be really helpful if all sandwich bags could be returned on a Friday so that they can be updated with new sounds and words for the following week.

Have a lovely weekend!

Image result for Sunshine

P1C Term1 Newsletter



Class Newsletter: Term 1


Mrs Conroy – P1C


Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope you find the following information useful. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

General Information:

We hope you all had a lovely summer holidays, P1 have settled in well into their new classroom and routines. This term Primary 1 will receive Music and Art from the Expressive Arts team and should bring in a painting shirt to school for messy activities (old t-shirts are great!).   Brand new Red Communication poly pockets have been distributed to every child.  We ask you look out for these in your child’s school bag as it will have information about homework and be used for other school communication.

Homework will be issued on a Monday and should be completed by Friday. There will be a selection of Numeracy and Literacy activities and occasionally topic related tasks.

Please ensure your child has an appropriate snack kept separately from their lunch.   Your child should also have a clearly labelled water bottle everyday which is filled with plain water prior to arriving at school.  Please ensure your child has a labelled weather appropriate jacket as there will be outdoor learning opportunities.

Class Dojo

To promote positive behaviour Primary 1 are using Class Dojo. Please note we cannot access the messaging aspect of Class Dojo, should you need to contact us please do so by telephone or in writing.

 PE days

This term P.E. days are as follows, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday

.On these days it would be helpful to the children if they could come to school dressed with polo shirt and jumper rather than shirt and tie in order to make changing for P.E. easier.

 Learning focus this term:

Through our topic ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ we will be learning about:

  • Describing characters and settings in the story
  • Floating and sinking
  • Healthy eating
  • The purpose of a lighthouse
  • How to react in unsafe situations and emergencies

If you have any experience in this area, please let us know. We would love to have some ‘experts’ come in to share in our learning journey.

Core Literacy:

  • RWI Speed sounds
  • Letter recognition and letter formation
  • Sounding and blending with the help of Fred talk
  • Our writing lessons will focus on a variety of personal and imaginative tasks with some being linked to the Lighthouse Keeper stories.
  • We are working on our listening and talking skills through Show and Tell, Book Blessings and sharing our news at circle time.

Core Numeracy:

  • Number rhymes 0-10
  • The children will continue to build on their knowledge of numbers 0 – 10 (and beyond). They will learn how to form the number correctly and will learn about value.
  • Number sequencing and number ordering
  • 2D and 3D Shape

Health and Wellbeing:

As a Health Promoting school we actively encourage and teach our children to make healthy choices, to enable then to become healthy, active and emotionally resilient young people of the future.

We are delighted to be able to continue to deliver 2 hours of PE a week as well as opportunities for children to be active in our fabulous new grounds.

We would appreciate your support in promoting a healthy and balanced diet, both in your child’s morning snack and in their packed lunch. We would discourage any type of fizzy juice in school or energy drinks.  Children are encouraged to bring in a water bottle, which they can use during class time.  There are water fountains situated throughout the school for daily use.

Please encourage your child to participate in the Active Sports Clubs that are on offer at lunchtimes and after school, as well as any school based clubs that take place throughout the year. Keep looking in school bags for further information.

A reminder that all children who cycle or scooter to school must wear a safety helmet and ‘walk’ their bikes whilst in the playground. There are bike racks available.

Class Birthdays

We always celebrate if a member of the class has a birthday however we would request that birthday cakes are not brought into school to share with the class. In school, we have children with allergies who may be at risk from some ingredients.

Playground toys:

We have a playground equipment for children to play with during lunchtime. Please do not bring in your own toys – except for Golden Time on a Friday – so that we can be sure that all toys in the playground belong to the school.  Many thanks for your support.

 Golden Time toys:

Children can bring a ‘toy’ to school on a Friday to play with during Golden Time. Please remember that the school cannot take responsibility for the safety of these toys and therefore we request that your child does not bring in expensive/ electronic items without your consent. We appreciate your support with this matter.

Cuddle On Couch/ Book & Blether:

Please help us to promote reading by joining us for Cuddle on the Couch. Come along to the Yellow Wing and spend some time reading with your child.  Dates have been issued. If you require further information, please ask a member of staff


Many thanks,


Mrs Conroy


2.9.19 P1C

Primary 1C  are settling well and getting to know the rules and routines of the class and the school.

In Literacy the children have learned 5 new sounds, ‘m’, ‘a’, ‘s’, ‘d’ and ‘t’. Practising these sounds at home through games and discussions will really help your child to consolidate their learning. You could hunt for things round the house that have one of these sounds for example.

In Numeracy the children have been introduced to the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4. We have been learning how to form the number correctly as well as counting and looking at quantities through games and play. Counting out loud together at home is a great idea to consolidate learning.

Gym will be on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.  It would be helpful if all children could be supplied with a gym bag containing a t-shirt, shorts and gym shoes.  It would also be very helpful if all items of clothing, water bottles, shoes, blazers and pencil cases could be labelled.

Lastly, I would like to add a polite reminder that only water is allowed in the classroom. Please only fill your child’s water bottle with water as opposed to juice. Thank you in advance for your support.