End of a Busy Term!

This term has been such a busy and productive one. The children have achieved so much and are continuing to enjoy their time at school.

In Maths this week we have looked at the seasons and completed several sorting and matching activities with pictures associated with the different seasons.

In Literacy we looked at the story of the Enormous Turnip and worked together to sequence the story.

We also enjoyed making Mothers Day cards. The children are so proud of their creation and I am sure they have all been gratefully received.

We also wished Yashfa and Murdo a Happy Birthday as they celebrate turning 6 years old this week.

I wish you all a very restful and enjoyable holiday, one that the children truly deserve after all of their hard work. I look forward to welcoming the children back on Monday 15th April.


Busy week in P1M!

This week the children have started preparing for their Sharing of Learning Afternoon which is on Thursday 2nd May. They have enjoyed learning the songs and are looking forward to getting their parts next week.

In Maths the children have been consolidating their learning of subtraction and have even been solving sums with missing numbers.

In Literacy the children have been doing well with their reading and within writing they are now actively using their knowledge of the letter sounds to write independently.

The children have been also working hard making enormous turnips to adorn the stage during our Sharing of Learning Afternoon.

Purposeful Learning in P1M!

This week the children have enjoyed taking part in learning activities in a real life context.

In Maths the children applied their learning of tally marks and pictograms to create their own pictograms about the amount of litter found in the playground after play time. The children enjoyed doing a litter pick and using what they found to create a pictogram.

As part of our topic about he environment and wildlife we have enjoyed watching our cress seeds grow. In the space of a week they grown from tiny seeds to plants in full bloom. The children have enjoyed watering them and measuring their growth with a ruler.

It was Elsie’s birthday on Tuesday and we enjoyed singing Happy Birthday and hearing all about her special day.