Term 3 Learning Focus

Learning focus this term:


Through our topic about Katie Morag we will be learning about:


  • Scots dialect – we will be able to say some Scottish words, count in Scots and sing some Scottish songs.
  • Where Scotland and Alloa are on a map
  • Islands in Scotland
  • The differences between mainland Scotland and island life


Core Skills learning focus:

  • Working with others to complete tasks
  • Being confident individuals when performing in front of others
  • Recording our ideas in different ways





  • The children will be continuing to use our topic as a stimulus for writing activities.
  • The children will be extending their knowledge of sounds and learning that there may be more than 1 way to make a sound e.g. ee and ea, ou and ow
  • Spelling will correspond with the sounds they have learned that week.
  • The children will continue to practise sentences beginning with a capital letter and ending in a full stop. As we develop writing skills we will continue to use V.C.O.P. learning how to use different connectives to extend sentences and continue to incorporate adjectives into our writing.
  • When reading, we will continue to work on reading fluent with increased expression and accuracy.





  • The children will be learning about numbers to 100 and will understand the terms tens and units.
  • The children will be continually developing their skills in addition and subtraction.
  • The children will begin to learn about money and use addition and subtraction skills to work out how much something costs and how much change would be given.


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