
IMPORTANT ENROLMENT INFORMATION: Primary 1 provisional enrolment for 2025/26 opens in January. All enrolments from January 2025 must be made online.  A Link will be shared shortly.


Primary School Enrolment Arrangements for 2025/26

The 2025/2026 school year starts on 13 August 2025 and this is the only date for beginning school education for that year.  All children who are five years old on or before 13 August 2025 are of school age and must start their primary school education on 13 August 2025.  Children who are five years old between 14 August 2025 and 28 February 2026 may start their primary school education on the 13th  August 2025.

If your child is starting their primary school education in August 2025, or if you are choosing to defer their entry into primary school to August 2026, you must enrol them at their catchment school. 

If you wish your child to attend a primary school other than their catchment school you are still required to enrol them in the catchment school and submit a Placing Request for the school of your choice. Placing Requests for your child to attend a school other than their catchment school should be submitted online no later than 15 March 2025.

All P1 enroments must be made by the 17th January 2025.



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