Tag Archives: House Captains

Friday Assembly

We sang our school song – We are the children of Deerpark School – very loudly and our stars of the week were presented with their stickers and certificates.

Stewart House Captains , gave out Numeracy Star awards. Numeracy Stars for this week are Kailyn , Jake E, Miley , Aimee C, Hannah & Mhya , Leah and Leah .

Bruce House Captains, gave out Literacy Stars for this week. They are Tyler , Thomas N, All of Primary 2, Dean and Lacey, Kerryn and Billie Jo, Mia and Ayden.

Star Pupils for this week, awarded by Schaw House Captains, are Charleigh & Euan, Robert , NoahP, Hannan M, Luke, Rhys  and Phoebe .

Makaton Signers of the week are Katie , Annie , Billierose & Miley, Leah  and Declan. They were presented with their certificates by Wallace House Captains.

Primary 5/6 demonstrated some of their learning through the brass project and played ‘We Will Rock You’ and ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’. They were fantastic.

The parent council presented Primary 7s with their Prom Goody Bags.

Well done everyone. We are proud of you all.

Our Leavers’ Assembly will take place on Thursday at 2pm.  Hope to see you there.

Have a happy and relaxing weekend everyone.