Category Archives: P1 M Blog

Welcome to Miss McDowall and Primary 1M’s class blog.

Here we will keep you updated on our learning activities throughout the school year. We hope that you will enjoy reading about them as much as we enjoyed doing them.

Why not post a comment below and let us know what you think of our blog.

Friday Assembly ~ 7/12/2018

This week we sang ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’ and we heard some Christmas jokes. Here’s one of them……..

What Christmas Carol do parents like the most?

Silent Night!


Please see below for our ‘Deerpark Stars’ for this week!

Signers of the Week
Hannah M and Blane, Arminas and Teaghan.

PE Stars
Robert, Tavia, Mhya and Ciaran.

Numeracy Stars
Mona, Shannon , Aden, Miley, Adam,  AmberP and Chloe Mc .

Literacy Stars
Aimee, Kezmyn , Damien , Mirren , Rachael G ,Kerryn  and Skye .

Star Pupils
Alexander, Ava , Kailyn , Amber , Ronald , Xander, Declan and Leah B.

Clean Cloakroom of the Week – Primary 6/7

Most improved Clean Classroom of the Week – Primary P1M

Clean Classroom of the Week – Primary 6/7!

Well done to everyone for their efforts and achievements this week. We are proud of you all.

Remember our Christmas Concert takes place next Thursday 13December at 2pm. We look forward to seeing you then.

Children In Need & Friday 16th November Assembly

Image result for children in need

Thank you to everyone who donated food tins, chocolates ormoney to our Parent Council and Children in Need. We received lots of things for hampers and tombola for the Parent CouncilChristmas Fayre and £103 for Children in Need! Well done Deerpark!

Image result for school assembly clipart
Primary 6/7 invited parents and carers to see their class assembly. The children were fully engaged in the planning, preparation,rehearsals and assembly with minimum adult support. They did a fantastic job of sharing their learning and we are very proud of them.


Please see below for our ‘Deerpark Stars‘ for this week!

Signers of the Week
Rhys , Jack  and Luke .

PE Stars
All of P1M, Aden,  Hannah Mc , Chloe  and Antosia.

Numeracy Stars
Tyler, Finley, Partycja, Noah S, Russell,Anastasia  and Chloe

Literacy Stars
Kerys, Kezmyn, Dylan, James, Aimme G, Layton,Hannah,  Anastasia, Dylan B  and Cerys.

Star Pupils
Alexander, Hannah, Euan, Kayla , Alan, Kian,  All of P6/7

Clean Cloakroom of the Week – Primary 6/7

Most improved Clean Classroom of the Week – Primary 2.

Clean Classroom of the Week – Primary 1W!

Well done to everyone for their efforts and achievements this week. We are proud of you all.

School Trip to Pantomime – Sleeping Cutie  

This year the whole school trip to the pantomime at the MacRobert Arts Centre will be Sleeping Cutie on Tuesday 4th December 2018.

In order to confirm the booking we would be grateful if you could please return the completed permission slip below along with payment by Friday 23rd November 2018.  

As always the pantomime is subsidised by the parent council and we are grateful for their contribution.  The subsidised cost is £7.00 per child and must be paid by 23rd November 2018.  Any late payments will be for the full cost of £14.00 per child.

We will be unable to take children to the pantomime for whom we have not received payment and permission slip. Any permission slips received without full payment will be returned.

Click here to view a printable copy of letter sent home with permission slip attached.pantomime 2018

P1M ~ A Snapshot of our First Term

P1M doing a fantastic job at developing our pencil control.


We had the Scottish Wildlife Trust in class today to talk about thewildlife in our local environment. We learned about various animals including deer, sheep, basking sharks and foxes.

Today we had Liz Ferrall from the Bat Conservation for Scotland visiting our class. She told us more about different bat species in Scotland, their anatomy and where they could live. We discovered some bats live close to our school! Fantastic listening throughout the presentation! Well done all P1’s!

We were learning about the properties of 2D shapes today! We used straws and Lego to check how many sides and corners each shape had. We also had to select specific shapes to make animal pictures. Well done everyone!


P1M making sure they can form the sounds we have learned sofar! We used pens on paper, Lego and even our bodies to form the sounds!

As our class topic is ‘Our Environment’, we went for a walk in our playground environment and collected some objects to help us fill an empty autumn tree. We looked at various creatures and plants! We took time to look at the sky, the pupils described this as‘beautiful’!

We have been learning numbers 1-5 and have been practising forming our numerals. We have also been learning our sounds this week.

Practising writing the number 4 in a variety of ways.

Well done everyone, you all worked hard when forming your numerals.

Outdoor learning practising forming our numerals. We have learned 1,2 and 3 so far!.Well done everyone!

In P1M we were developing our memory skills, completing listening tasks using our 4 rules of listening and playing circle time games that promote good listening and turn taking.

Sharon from Child Smile came into class today to speak to the children about brushing their teeth. They met Elvis the dinosaur and have all been given a toothbrush for brushing their teeth in school! Letters in school bags  with more information.

Picnic social snack  in P1M. Pupils can chat,eat their snack and then spend their play time outside playing. Today the pupils wanted to listen to a story whilst they ate their snack, so we read ‘The Lighthouse Keepers Cat’!

P1M exploring their local environment with Jenny Ventham from the Forestry Commission.

They were learning about North, South,East and West.

Collecting items to remind us of our journey outside the school and were being responsible partners whilst we walked in our local environment.

We then sorted all the items into the order we found them on our walk.


Author Visit – Stuart Reid

The whole school enjoyed Stuart Reid’s very energetic and engaging book reading assembly last week.

Stuart Reid Assembly

They learned a lot about what inspires his stories and about techniques that they can use in their own story writing (onomatopoeia, alliteration, ellipsis, visualisation).
Everyone was engrossed from start to finish.

After the school event, both P5/6 and P6/7 enjoyed workshops lead by Stuart.

He talked to them about how to be successful in writing.
Both classes will hopefully put some of his ideas and suggestions into practise.



Merit Award Assembly


This was our first merit award assembly this year. We invited family and friends of award winners to our assembly and they stayed to celebrate with their children with some refreshments. Thanks to everyone who supported this.

Ceejay and Layton shared their current favourite books and we all sang ‘Wake Up!’.

Our merit award winners are

Resilience – Harry
Fun – Finley & BillieRose
Safe – Ted
Tolerance – Leah
Respect – Ruaridh, Hannah, Ross , Aimee  & Rhys
Nurturing – Hannah , Chloe F, Layton  & Kadie
Effort – Olivia , Dylan B, Harry, Leah B, Mia, Daniel, Ceejay , Chloe P , Dylan P, Rhys, Skye , Chloe S, Charlie, Layton, Kadi, Leah C , Ciaran , Antosia, Dominic, Lennon , David  & Keir !

Well done. We are very proud of you all.

Have a happy and safe weekend.

Friday Assembly

As part of our school improvement priorities to encourage and support reading, Primary P1W pupils, talked about books that they were enjoying including ‘Oi Frog!’, ‘Oi Dog!’, ‘Oi Cat!’ and ‘Oi Duckbilled Platypus!’.

All classes will have a chance to share their favourite stories over the coming weeks at assembly.

Everyone sang ‘Together’.

Please see below for our ‘Deerpark Stars’ for this week!

Signers of the Week
Jack, Kailyn , Toni-Linn , Kadi  and Jay .

PE Stars
Tyrus , Chloe W, Samir, Rachael and Mia .

Numeracy Stars
Mason , Kezmyn, Tyler, Rosie, Lacey, Taylor and Keir .

Literacy Stars
Mona , Ava , Jake K , Taryn , Russell , Dylan P and Cerys.

Star Pupils
Aimee , Flynn , Chloe F , Mirren , David , Hannah, Harry.

Clean Classroom of the Week – Primary 1W – 4th week in a row!!!!!!

Most improved Clean Classroom of the Week – Primary 6/7.

Well done to everyone for their efforts and achievements this week. We are proud of you all.

Next week Childsmile will be in school for flouride varnish for P1 -P4, P4 are sharing books at assembly and children who have demonstrated respect for others during intervals will be rewarded with an extra playtime on Friday afternoon (weather permitting!).

Have a relaxing weekend.

Friday Assembly

As part of our school improvement priorities to encourage and support reading,  pupils talked about books that they were enjoying. Leah shared ‘Kid Normal, Megan shared ‘Captain Underpants and the attack of the talking toilet!’ and Layton shared ‘Ratburger’.

All classes will have a chance to share their favourite stories over the coming weeks at assembly.

Everyone sang ‘Together’.

Please see below for our ‘Deerpark Stars’ for this week!

Signers of the Week
Nyco , Hannah , Steven  and Daniel.

PE Stars
Alexander, Hannah , Taryn, Lacey and David.

Numeracy Stars
David , Tyrus , Charleigh , Conner, Toni-Linn, Leah, Shane.

Literacy Stars
Robert, Jack, Damien & Chloe W, Samir, Logan,Arminias  Leah B.

Star Pupils
Kadie, Elise, Jake E, Kayla, Hannah Mc, Dylan P, Daniel.

Clean Classroom of the Week – Primary 1W – 3rd week in a row!

Most improved Clean Classroom of the Week – Primary 3.

Well done to everyone for their efforts and achievements this week. We are proud of you all.