Friday Assembly

As part of our school improvement priorities to encourage and support reading,  pupils talked about books that they were enjoying. Leah shared ‘Kid Normal, Megan shared ‘Captain Underpants and the attack of the talking toilet!’ and Layton shared ‘Ratburger’.

All classes will have a chance to share their favourite stories over the coming weeks at assembly.

Everyone sang ‘Together’.

Please see below for our ‘Deerpark Stars’ for this week!

Signers of the Week
Nyco , Hannah , Steven  and Daniel.

PE Stars
Alexander, Hannah , Taryn, Lacey and David.

Numeracy Stars
David , Tyrus , Charleigh , Conner, Toni-Linn, Leah, Shane.

Literacy Stars
Robert, Jack, Damien & Chloe W, Samir, Logan,Arminias  Leah B.

Star Pupils
Kadie, Elise, Jake E, Kayla, Hannah Mc, Dylan P, Daniel.

Clean Classroom of the Week – Primary 1W – 3rd week in a row!

Most improved Clean Classroom of the Week – Primary 3.

Well done to everyone for their efforts and achievements this week. We are proud of you all.

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