Fruit Snack- A debate

  • FOR
  • It keeps you fit
  • Its healthy
  • Its good for you
  • Its tasty
  • Helps you loose weight
  • It dosent make you feel full
  • It makes you feel sick
  • Theres not that much to choose from


  • I think its noot good cause I can only have a bananana cause my teeth are sensitive so I dont like it also it dosent full you up and it makes me feel sick

fruit snack


its good for you

it makes you skinny

it make you listen better


it does not fill you up

they dont have a lot of fruit to select from

its some time does not smell good

my point of view is its good but it does not have my fravirot fruit

fruit snack / a debate

for                                                                                                                                        against                                                                                            healthier                                                                                                                              not healthier                                                                                cheaper                                                                                                                                more expensive                                                                           guaranteed snack                                                                                                             some cant have it                         `

fruit snack – a debate


  • healthy
  • cheap
  • saves carrying snack to school
  • tasty
  • variety



  • can get boring
  • too much of the same fruit can be unhealthy
  • same fruit everyday
  • can be bruised
  • not the tastiest thing in the world


my opinion is that we should have it but people  should be able to bring in our own snack but they encourage people to eat fruit by giving it out for free.

fruit snack a debate


  • It is healthy for you
  • It has vitamins
  • We have a selection of bananas,apples,oranges and pears


  • It dosent fill u up like normal snack dose
  • We need to pay
  • crisps and stuff like that tast way better

I dont like the fact we need to eat fruit for our snack when other stuff filled us up way more and not a lot of us  like it so not that many people are happy.

my learning journey

I have learned lots of different things in school with maths,language and topic in maths i was proud when i got my fractions.

I have learned by being in groups,by doing activites and by doing work the teacher.

I have made a lot of progress in all subjects.

I used communication,listening,talking.

I feel really happy about my learning because i love my teachers and thy are really good at teaching all of us.


my learning journey

what i have learned is that its not that hard to go on glow at home.

i learned how to work with other people.

the progress that i have made is that i can speak out.

the skills that i have used is long division.

what i feel about my learning is i am happy its  hard but i get it done with.

Alloa Learning Community Digital Project

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