Turn the iPad on
keep a hold to the camera on the right hand side
then swip up and you have your camera
here is the video of us showing you how to do itIMG_0231
turn on your iPad .
Swipe the icon on the left hand side
type in your password
and there you have it safari
While composing a message,drag the title at the top of the screen to the bottom drafts stay there until you tap to retrieve them
Go into contacts and save your name and go into settings and then click general and then Siri and my info click your name then activate Siri and then ask him questions like Siri what’s my name he says your name is.. Then your name
press the home button 2times to show you all your open apps if you want to get them away you slide up
to change sir you go to settings go to general then Siri and then play with Siri settings
You tap the new button and then the post add a title then type
To get to the page where you need to be you press the home button.then you drag a app to a nothler app and then you have a folder.
press home button and the power button at the same time
The screen will flash and there you go
we have enjoyed using this app because it fun to make movies and trailers .
it is easy to use
they have pre made templates for you to choose from .
it is nice to use as a group
you can video , take photos and use images from the Internet .
We hope you like the app review and agree with our opinion try out this app
To receive your email to your iPad you need to add the account
We are going to add a Glow account
First click on the mail icon on the bottom tray
You can also go to settings>mail>add account
For email you will need your full Glow email address, for example Cljw101@glow.sch.uk
For password enter your password
Where it says domain you need to add this: glowscotland.onmicrosoft.com
Username is your full Glow email eg cljw101@glow.sch.uk
In the server box add this: pod51007.outlook.com
select what features you want to add from this account-mail, calendar, contacts etc
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