press home button and the power button at the same time
The screen will flash and there you go
To receive your email to your iPad you need to add the account
We are going to add a Glow account
First click on the mail icon on the bottom tray
You can also go to settings>mail>add account
For email you will need your full Glow email address, for example
For password enter your password
Where it says domain you need to add this:
Username is your full Glow email eg
In the server box add this:
select what features you want to add from this account-mail, calendar, contacts etc
This video shows you how to clear open apps. By Sam
This is how to take a screenshot,first you find a picture you like,then you hold the home button and the power button at the same time, now you have taken a screenshot on the iPad.
you have to go on the AppStore .
And it will come up loads of apps.
and then you goes wich won you won’t .
and then you click an it and the you click the home button .
and the you will you will see the won you have downloaded .
One iPad tip I really like is the assistive touch control. It is easy to get stuff faster like custom and Siri and home and control centre and device and notification centre.
Keep a hold of an app
when app comes up with an x
drag the app on top of a different app
then you have a folder
this shows you how to make a folderacapturedvideo
double tap the home button.
Slide up and that will close the app
do this so the iPad won’t go slow
This video shows how to do it
Closing apps that are open is a good idea because if you have a lot of open apps it will make your iPad laggy and slow.
Double tap home button
you will see windows of open apps
Swipe up to close the apps you don’t want open anymore
how to close down your tabsIMG_0292
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