P1-4 Braemar School

Sharing our learning

December 29, 2022
by Mrs Maclean

Learning in P1-4

This site will be used to share our learning  in Room 2. Please bear with us as we investigate options to replace Seesaw in the coming weeks.


May 17, 2023
by Mrs Robson

Learning in RM2 Week beginning 15th May

In room 2 this week we have been learning how to split a pizza into fractions. We have also started learning about money our new maths topic.

The following links are to practise. Choose from mild, hot or spicy.




We have been learning about a new meta skill. Please ask your children how they use their initiative in the classroom.



May 9, 2023
by Mrs Robson

Maths RM2 09.05.2023

In Maths this week we have been learning to use words such as full turn, half turn, quarter turn, clockwise, anticlockwise, right turn, left turn and right angle.

We used our compasses we made last week to work with a partner.

May 8, 2023
by Mrs Robson

Fruit Kebabs

For the Kings Coronation we learned about food hygiene and safety. We used our learning to make fruit kebabs. We learned very quickly a valuable science lesson about what happens when the fruit is exposed to air. We rectified it by using lemon juice.

May 8, 2023
by Mrs Robson

Learning in RM2

We have had a busy week of learning in RM2. We starting the week off by looking at living and non living things in our outdoor learning lesson.

We have started our topic of fractions. We have been revising halves and quarters and writing this as a fraction. Please see link to practise. In maths we have also been learning about angles. The children enjoyed making angle eaters to find right angles in the classroom.

For our Spring topic we have been monitoring the seeds we planted and recording their progress. We are going to present our findings to the class via a talk.

We have enjoyed learning about why we had a Kings coronation and created a word search with all the new words we learned.

March 3, 2023
by Mrs Robson

Learning in RM2

This week we have been learning about the different types of clouds. Please see the link for a reminder of the different types.

We then went out to see if we could spot the different types however, it was an overcast day so we made our own clouds out outdoor materials.

We have been learning to write a diary entry about our family learning morning.

In music we have been learning about Hip Hop and Rap songs. We have been learning to find the pulse of a song and play the glockenspiel.

February 17, 2023
by Mrs Robson

Our Learning in RM2

This week we completed the RSPB School Birdwatch in the playground. If you would like to have a go at it at home please download the Birdwatch Survey.

We have been learning about multiplication. Hit the Button is a great website to practice your mental maths recall.

In our weather topic we have been looking at the weather forecast on the Met Office . See if you can find Braemar and recognise the symbols for the weather and the forecasted temperature.

We start each week with a recount of our weekend however, you could write a recount of your day at home due to the wind.

Our Steps to Success are:

  • Write in first person for example I went to the shops.
  • Write the events in order of what you did.
  • Use past tense for example We went for a nice long walk.

February 3, 2023
by Mrs Robson
1 Comment


This week we had a visit from Kirsty Florence from the University of the west of Scotland. She taught us about Tullich in the 1600s. We discussed the types of jobs people would have and the clothes they would wear.

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