Grace’s 100 word challenge

One scary night I went to a dark forest. It was very quiet and there was a really huge tree. Then I heard clip-clops. I was shivering.Suddenly I saw big glow behind me. It became very spooky and something made the bushes shake. I turn round and nothing was there. Then I felt a shiver up my spine but it was feathery. It was weird. Then the trees rustled. The weather was rainy. I saw shelter and I ran to it and looking behind me I saw a beautiful unicorn with wonderful wings. She gave me a lift home but I couldn’t sleep.

2 thoughts on “Grace’s 100 word challenge”

  1. I really like your post in has a lot of mystery and awe. I think next time you should read carefully over the paper and see if you made any grammar mistakes.Keep up the great work.

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