Spelling homework in Primary 5/19

This year we will be using an active spelling approach. Activities will include LCWC, or Look-Cover-Write-Check, Spellwell activities from the leaflet sent home last week and activities on the spellingcity.com website. Children can choose the method that suits them best, so for example may choose to do LCWC and 2 Spellwell activities in their homework jotter. At home, they can also be encouraged to write out their words on a whiteboard/blackboard or on scrap paper,even chalk their words onto the patio or driveway! 🙂  They can make posters and pictures using their words, make up wordsearches or crosswords using their words.(Wallpaper lining paper from DIY stores is a great source of cheap paper.) The aim is to get the children to engage with the spelling rules and spelling patterns in a fun and active way.

Have fun!

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