Jack’s 100 word challenge

Once upon a time there were space rockets. Some green broccoli was on the rocket and it was 9,000 million miles away from earth. Earth was tiny. We went to Zlog, a planet in another dimension. When we got there, their king was a Cyclops with a green piano. He played one note and it exploded into little bits. I ran for 1 hour and a half. I was sure I heard a creak coming from behind me……

5 thoughts on “Jack’s 100 word challenge”

  1. I don’t think I would like to visit Zlog,Jack.You made me laugh when you wrote about about the piano exploding.

  2. Hi Jack, well done for completing the 100 word challenge. You have a great imagination. I like how you have left it on a cliff hanger ready for the next part. Maybe next time try to include more description to help the reader imagine the action in more detail. You could also use some adverbs to start your sentences such as, ‘Frantically, I ran from the explosion’. Keep up the great writing, I look forward to reading more.

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