Writing in Primary 5/19

This week we have a very exciting context for our writing. Today in class we watched a video called Imaginate featuring Danny MacAskill, and we will complete writing tasks each day based on this amazing man. Click here to watch the video and check the blog later in the week for examples of our writing.

More marvellous homework tasks!

Once again, a wonderful collection of work was shared with the class today. And once again, I’d like to thank all of those mums, dads, aunties, uncles, grannies and granddads who are supporting this project.The children have really enjoyed working with you on their tasks! 🙂 Thank you also for all the evaluation sheets returned so far, next Friday ( 28th June) will be the last day to hand work in and to return the questionnaire. Here are a few photos from today.

Pigeon Impossible

I am a pigeon and I am sorry about what happened I was just flying about and I saw a man with a bagel and me and my family are really hungry. When I flew to get the man the man went crazy then he threw it and I went after it and stood on this box and fell into it. I did not know what the buttons were so I pressed them and freaked out and so did the man waving the bagel about. I went after the bagel and he got the box back. He blew up the rocket which I sent off accidentally.

So please forgive me!

By Marcei

Wallace and Bruce homework tasks.

Some fantastic shields, swords, posters and poems were handed in today. The children love sharing their learning with the rest of the class each Friday morning and hearing about each piece of work . Thank you, once again, for the continuing support of the many parents and carers who have worked on projects with their children this term. 🙂

Maths in the sunshine!

This morning we went outside to do some estimating and measuring.We measured the field, the trimtrail, fences and bins. We decided that it was easier to estimate the size of small things, as our results were more accurate for lengths of less than 50 cm. It was very hard to estimate the length of the field! *** UPDATE*** 6.6.2013- Today we worked out that a trebuchet similar to the one at Warwick Castle could throw an average sized S2 pupil a distance the length of two and a half school fields! WOW!!

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