
Eco Fortnight Update and BBC Bitesize Lessons

A huge thanks to everyone for sending all their Eco work and ideas in. Each class received lots of lovely Eco posters and items of work.

Here is a great  example of a piece of work that was shared.

We also had a number of photos sent in for tracking animals during your daily walks.

I have added some here –

We have also been very lucky to have been sent some photos from our Schoolhouse neighbours, can you guess what bird has made a nest in our greenhouse?

Our reporter tells me there are 6 hungry mouths waiting to be fed.

BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons

If you have some time this week or next and want to learn more about the planet around us I have looked up the BBC Bitesize lessons to share some with you.

Schedule – BBC bitesize

This week the Geography lessons are –

P1/2/3 Oceania

P4/5 Mountains

P6/7 Rainforests

Next week –

P1/2/3 South America

P4/5 Weather/Climate

P6/7 Fossil Fuels

If you watch them leave a comment to let everyone know if they were interesting or not. So far the lessons have been really interesting and some have guest presenters.  You can find them on catch up once aired so don’t feel you have to stick to the timings.