Tag Archives: comprehension

‘My Worry Box’ – Spicy Poem

Good morning, everyone.

Many of us are experiencing all kinds of emotions at the moment, which is perfectly normal, but we don’t want to let ourselves become overwhelmed by them.  It’s good to find ways of helping ourselves stay positive.

Today’s poem focuses on the subject of keeping our minds healthy, and describes one person’s way of dealing with his worrying thoughts.

Click on the first Sway to read the poem.

Now click on the second Sway to access the follow-up questions. Remember to answer in full sentences and check that you have included capitals and full-stops.

Extension task:  What else could the poet have done to make himself feel better?  What do YOU find helpful when you’re feeing sad, worried or upset?  Discuss with your family and write your thoughts in your Home Learning Journal.


Bumblebee Reading Comprehension – Spicy

As our Eco-fortnight draws to a close, here is one last post on the subject of bumblebees.

The Bumblebee Conservation trust has a collection of activities and fact files for all ages.  Click on the link below to find out more:

All About Bees

Read the article in the following link.   If you can, print off the worksheet, complete the crossword and label the different parts of a bee.

Bee Facts

Finally, click on the Sway to find a series of questions to test your knowledge of bees!  Remember to answer in complete sentences.