Category Archives: Music

Mr Reid’s Music Journey – Term 4

Good morning everyone,

I hope that you all had a lovely weekend and are excited to see the new Home Learning Grids.

Over the last week, I have been learning to play a song called ‘True Colours’ by Cyndi Lauper. The reason for selecting this song was because the Methlick School Choir have been learning it too!

Time to reflect  – Which activity did you enjoy most from the previous Home Learning Grids and why?

Mr Reid’s Music Journey – Term 4

Hello everyone,

I hope that you all had a lovely weekend and you are now more settled into your Home Learning routine.

I didn’t practise as much piano throughout the holidays as I had wanted to but I am still making progress. Having my Sway and being able to see the difference between Day 1 and now Day 35 helps to keep me motivated to carry on.

Question – Can you tell me the name of the song that I am playing this week? Why do you think I chose to learn this specific song?

What was the best part about being back to Home Learning last week?