Hopefully you have all been helping out at home making food to eat during lockdown and you have realised that it’s important to eat well to keep you healthy. We know shopping for food has been more challenging during this time and understand that you may not have access to foods you would normally have so for the final task be as creative as possible and imagine what you would love to have.
Task 1 – Learn more about the Eatwell plate.
Although we all like a sweet treat or two at times we know this is not what we should eat every day. Have a look at the NHS information found here which shows what we should eat. You do not need to achieve this balance with every meal, but try to get the balance right over a day or even a week.
Task 1 – Read the information on the website above and answer the questions in the Sway.
Task 2 – Using the information from above can you design a HEALTHY packed lunch and include a portion of food from each food group? I have made one in this Sway. Have I managed to include food from each food group?
Task 3 – Can you design an imaginary sandwich? This could be your favourite sandwich or a totally made up one. For example Marshmallows and chocolate spread. (Healthy or unhealthy? Do you think your sandwich is healthy or unhealthy? Would you eat it?)