Category Archives: mild

Literacy Grid 1 – Letter Formation mild challenge – Curly Caterpillar Letter Family


Letter Formation

Choose a family of letters to practise each day.

Watch the videos to help you form the letters


Good morning boys and girls,

I spent yesterday making some resources to help you with this challenge.

These resources help you learn to form the

curly caterpillar family of letters.

They almost always begin with a curved line to the left.

The letter can begin at the top or sometimes in the middle but they NEVER begin at the bottom.

Before you start to form your letters warm up your hand by creating curved patterns.

Here are some ideas for covering an egg shape with curved patterns.


Remember to

  • check your seating position, pull the chair in
  • put your feet flat on the floor
  • use your helping hand to hold the paper
  • hold the pencil with a comfortable grip – sometimes we call this froggy fingers

These videos will help you learn how to form the curly caterpillar short letters

a c o s

These videos will help you learn how to form the long and tall caterpillar letters

d f g q

Information for parents and carers

I can write leaflet – I sent this home with P1 children in their journal

Any opportunity to practise these different strokes will help your child with their letter formations.

You do the Marking – Literacy MILD

Morning Everyone,

I hope you all enjoyed our first day of online learning and are ready to start Day 2.  I’ve decided to keep my own Learning Journal completing some of the activities from the grids. Yesterday I decided to write a story about Thumper from the Mild column.

I thought about the W5 (who, what, when, where & why) and then decided to write my story. One thing my P2 class know very well about me is that I make so many mistakes and the pupils always help me to correct my work. Sadly I forgot to check my work before I took a photo of it.

Could you check my work for me, what mistakes have I made and what should I do to fix them?

I look forward to reading your feedback, Mr.Mutch

Have a G.R.E.A.T Day!

Mr. Mutch’s Thumper Story