Good morning everyone and welcome back to Methlick’s Book Club!
I hope that you have enjoyed your second week of Social Studies fortnight. This week, I have read chapter 7, 8 and 9 of J.K. Rowling’s new book , ‘The Ickabog’. Have you managed to read all three chapters?
Our activities this week:
Chapter 7 – Create a character profile for one of the characters that we have met.
Chapter 8 – Imagine that you live in Cornucopia – What issue would you bring to the king on the Day of Petition?
Chapter 9 – In no more than a paragraph, can you summarise the events of chapter 9?
For chapter 8.
question – can you please try your best to cure coronavirus
answer – I will get my doctors to work on a vaccine
Hello Fraser 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing your response to chapter 8.
Answers to chapter 8
Question- Can you build me a football pitch in my back garden
Answer- I will send my builders right away
Haha brilliant, Alex! I love that Fred will send his builders straight away just to build a football pitch. Thank you for sharing!
for chapter 9.
the shepherd tells Fred that the ickabog ate his dog and Fred Spittleworth and Flapoon go to the marsh.
Thank you for sharing your summary, Finlay. Well done!
Here is my summarising for chapter 9
A Shepherd from the marshlands comes to petition the King. He told the King how the Ickabog ate his dog and he wants it punished. The King agreed to investigate the Ickabog and if they could find it they would punish it.
A brilliant summary of the chapter. Well done Harry and thank you for sharing 🙂
The shepherd tells Fred that the ickabog ate his dog. so Fred go’s to the marsh.
For chapter 9
For chapter 8 I put…
Question: how do you feel about daisy dovetails cruel words?
Answer: Very Disappointed especially from little girl to call me, selfish, vain and cruel!
Thanks for sharing, Austin. I think you are spot on with how the king would respond, well done.