Good morning everyone and welcome back to Methlick’s Book Club!
I hope that you have enjoyed your first week of Social Studies fortnight. This week, I have read chapter 4, 5 and 6 of J.K. Rowling’s new book , ‘The Ickabog’. Have you managed to read all three chapters?
Our activities this week:
This week we focused on answering a set of Comprehension questions. You were asked to complete the questions in your Home Learning Journal and share your answers with your class teacher.
In the comments, can you share one of your answers to the questions that were provided?
I read all the chapters but here is my answers for chapter 5
1. They are divided because some of the servants think the King is nice some think he is not.
2. I think that the Beamish’s like him. It said in the book “she was sure he was a kind generous and considerate man”. Mr Beamish wants to believe that the king is a good man.
3.I think she is sad. I think she is not happy living in her new cottage because it is “gloomy”. I think she is sad because she doesn’t see Bert much and her garden is smaller.
I have also read up to chapter 20.
Amazing responses Harry – Thank you so much for sharing. You are flying through the book! I hope that you are enjoying it. When answering the questions, I would suggest using the character’s name (Question 3). This helps the reader to understand who it is that you are talking about (Daisy). Well done
my answer for question 4 on chapter 6 is
I think that Spittleworth thought he might have found a way to banish children – or some of them, anyway – from the palace courtyard and that idea might be to summon the ickabog.
Thank you for sharing, Fraser. I never even thought about summoning the Ickabog – what a great idea! I think it is very obvious that Spittleworth doesn’t like children at all!
I have read all of the chapters so far because I am really enjoying the book. Here are my answers about chapter 5.
– The king servants were divided because some thought that Fred was bad, and the others thought Fred was good.
– Mr and Mrs Beamish feel the same about the king and they think he is a good guy.
– I think Daisy is happy to have a home but also not happy about not living next to her best friend. Daisy is also not happy with the king because he moves her away for himself to feel better.
Hello Thomas! Glad you’re enjoying the story so far and thank you for sharing your answers. What is your opinion of King Fred?
I think he is eaisly fooled and a bit of a nincompoop.
Chapter 4.
When the king went hunting he would see people cheering and bowing,but he would also see the dovetails house,with black drapes at the windows.
I think he feels guilty because deep down he feels responsible for her death.
He moved them to a smaller house because he did not want to be reminded about the seamstress’s death every time he went past, especially with the black drapes hanging.
I am enjoying the story more now, as i read more or it.
Hi Alfie
I’m so happy that you are enjoying the story more now – that’s great. I couldn’t agree more with your answers and thank you for providing so much detail. Great job!
Chapter 5.
The kings servents were split in half because some believed he was guilty and some dont.
Mrs and Mr Beamish like the king as he has always treated them well and they think the king would never do such a thing.
I think Daisy dovetail is sad still but is starting to get over her mothers death.Her new house doesn’t sound as nice but i think she likes having her mum close by. I think she misses having Bert living next door.
Hello Austin! Thank you for providing such detailed responses to the questions. How do you feel about the king? Do you think he is guilty for what happened?
I think the king is guilty and i really dont like him!
My answers for chapter 4,5 and 6
Chapter four
The king would normally see people cheering him as he rode out of the castle to go hunting. In chapter four he rode past the dovetail home and saw the black drapes over the windows and the garden empty.
I think king Fred felt guilty every time he rode past the house and had a sudden chill down his spine this caused him to take action
In the chapter king Fred orders his advisor Herringbone. He tells him to move the Dovetails to a smaller house beside the grave yard because there are two people in the big house and six in a smaller house so he moves them to the small house and gives their old house to another family but I think he just didn’t want to feel guilty every time he went past the house and this worked for him because the children of the new hose cleared him as the rode by.
Chapter 5
I think the servants are split in half because some believe that the king is guilty for his seamstress’s death but some think he could not have known she was seriously ill.
Mr and Mrs beamish don’t think the king is guilty because the king has always been nice to them and is a fair king that wouldn’t dream of doing such a thing.
Daisy is obviously still sad about her mother’s death but she is getting more settled I think she hates her new house and just wants to be back in her old house next to Bert.
Chapter 6
I thought that there was going to be someone trying to steel from King Fred and the guards would catch the mysterious person but he would get away.
Spittleworth and Flapoon hate children and don’t like the fact that they are allowed to play in the courtyard
Daisy hit Bert because they are best friends and Bert should stick up for her
I think spittleworth ban children from playing in the courtyard because of the fight but I don’t know how.
Thank you for sharing your answers Alex – this must have taken you a considerable amount of time to complete! I think that Spittleworth and Flapoon are being very selfish and are not true friends of Fred. I feel that they might try to manipulate him and convince him to go looking for the Ickabog! Thanks for sharing