Book Club – Reading – Hot – The Ickabog – Chapter 1

Good morning everyone and welcome back to Methlick’s Book Club!

I hope that you have enjoyed your first week of Expressive Arts fortnight. This week, I have read chapter 1 of J.K. Rowling’s new book , ‘The Ickabog’. Have you managed to read the first chapter too?

Your questions to answer this week:

  • What is your opinion of the story so far? Share what you like or dislike.
  • Making predictions – Now that you have read Chapter 1, what do you think will happen next? Is there going to be a main character and who might they be?

You will find my responses in the comments.

Please share your responses in the comments and let’s all talk about The Ickabog!

18 thoughts on “Book Club – Reading – Hot – The Ickabog – Chapter 1”

  1. What I enjoyed most about Chapter 1, was the description of Cornucopia. The world that J.K. Rowling has created sounds absolutely delicious! From the tasty treats baked in Chouxville, to the odorous cheese in Kurdsburg, Cornucopia is certainly a place I’d love to live in.

    Now that we have been introduced to the world and some of its characters, we can start to make predictions. The chapter ends with the introduction of the Ickabog, a legendary creature from the Marshlands. My prediction will focus on the character, Fred the Fearless. I believe that Fred’s friends, Spittleworth and Flapoon will somehow convince him to go in search of the Ickabog. Afraid of his reputation being tarnished and losing the title of Fearless, Fred will go in search of the creature.

  2. I have read the first 3 chapters this week. I’m liking the story so far. Some of the words i find hard to say like Chouxville. I think the main character is going to be Fred. I also think the Ickabog is going to be a main character later. I also think that the Ickabog is going to be defeated.

    1. Thank you for sharing, Harry. I have also read the first 3 chapters! Next week we are going to challenge you to design your own Ickabog. This will be posted to the blog on Monday.

  3. I really like the story so far because its got good descriptions.

    I think that the main character will be fred the fearless
    I think he will meet another main character in the marshlands and they will go on an adventure for the Ickabog.

  4. I like how the book is very descriptive and full of wow words and words I haven’t heard of. I dislike how king Fred the Fearless and friends go hunting 5 times a day [I hope it’s not cute animals] I think the next chapter will be about who Fred marries and what his friends will think about his choice. I also think the next chapter will be about the Ickabog, I’m looking forward to finding out about it! I think the main character will be Fred.

    1. Thank you for sharing, Megan! I am also looking forward to learning more about The Ickabog. One of our activities next week will focus on designing our very own version of the legendary creature.

  5. I like how the 1st chapter has lots of wow words. I would like to eat some of the food that’s there. I think the 2nd chapter will be about the marsh-landers and the Ickabog and that Fred will try and look for it.

    1. I 100% agree, Finlay. The food in Cornucopia sounds absolutely delicious! Our predictions are very similar. New activities will be posted on Monday.

  6. I liked the first chapter because the cakes sound yummy. 🍰
    I think we will find out what the Ickabog is.
    No I don’t think there will be a main character.

    1. I agree, Charlotte – The cakes sound delicious! I am looking forward to learning more about the Ickabog.

  7. I dont really like the story so far,I feel a bit confused with it and not sure what it is about,but I am interested to find out more.

    I think the character fred is going to find the Ickabog. I also think fred might be the main character and the story will tell us about the strange things that fred and the Ickabog might get up to.

    1. Thank you for sharing your honest thoughts on the story, Alfie. I hope that you will give it a couple more chapters to see if it grips you. If not, that’s ok too 🙂 I think Fred will go look for the Ickabog too!

      1. I haven’t started reading this yet, so I have a bit of catching up to do. I’m intrigued by some of the comments made on here, however, which have sparked my interest. I didn’t persevere with the Harry Potter novels though I loved the films. It will be interesting to see what The Ickabog is like.

  8. So far I like the story because it’s pretty easy to read and easy to cling on to. I enjoy how King Fred lives in a palace and the two lords just live with him for his things!

    So far I like how well she describes all of the places in cornucopia with: chouxville, kurdsburg, baronstown, jeroboam and the marshlands. At the moment I don’t dislike anything.

    I think this story is very unpredictable and I don’t really know what’s going to happen next, except I’m assuming they’ll come across something or someone called the ickabog.

    If there are going to be main characters I’d assume they’d be King Fred, the ickabog, the two lords and maybe a female character.

    1. Thank you for providing such a detailed response, Austin. It’s nice that Fred’s friends live with him, but sometimes I think that they are just taking advantage of him. I too am looking forward to what happens next – especially with the Ickabog!

  9. I read the first four chapters in one go by mistake.

    I think I was enjoying it! 😀

    My favourite charactor is Fred. I’m looking forward to finding out what happens next.

    1. Hello Thomas! I’m glad you’re enjoying it 🙂 I am looking forward to finding out more about the Ickabog.

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