5 thoughts on “Mrs Taylor’s ‘Keep Fit’ Record”

  1. Good Morning Mrs Taylor

    I love that you improvised with the train track, great idea.
    I’m not sure which activities I will do this week. I have already taken part in Jazzercise this morning, before work.
    Will keep you posted.

  2. I am keeping fit by walking my dog, playing cricket or rugby at the cricket pitch and riding my bike.

    1. I’m sure your dog is loving how much time it’s getting to spend with you all just now, Henry. A field near us has just been cut and looks like the perfect spot for a game of cricket now. I don’t have any cricket gear so I might have to improvise again 😊

      1. It was funny when you make the hockey stick out of train track pieces. If you make some cricket gear I would like to see it! I’m going to make an obstacle course outside this afternoon.

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