13 thoughts on “The Winner of the Tallest Dandelion Competition 2020”

  1. 🎉🌻🏆Congratulations Beth 🏆🌻🎉

    🌻🌻🌻Well Done Anna, Dee, Eilidh, Erin, Evie, Frida & Lucas, Jack, Katherine, Liesel & Auggie, Logan, Sienna and of course,
    Mrs Fraser🌻🌻🌻

    I have no sunflowers in my garden, but hopefully next year I will have miniature ones in my meadow.

    1. Good morning Mrs Webster, thank you so much! Beth has done so well. Can I also thank you for everything you have done this week to help our mild learners with their bee project! Your pom pom bee and helping to read out the words for the spelling bee! Thank you so much.

      1. Thank you Ms Rossvoll
        You are more than welcome.
        I am so enjoying being part the Blog and helping where and when I can.
        If there is anything else I can help with, please ask.

  2. Well done Beth. That is a big dandelion. Well done all of you who took part as well. What a lovely book you have made Ms Rossvoll.

    1. Good morning Mrs Still. Thank you. Beth has done brilliantly. Can I thank you as well for everything you have done this week. Sock bee, spelling bee contributor, playground quiz, which the children are loving and so much more. Thank you.

  3. Ms Rossvoll

    Silly me, I thought we were talking sunflowers🌻. I have just re-read the lovely book you created and they are dandelions, my apologies.
    I don’t have any dandelions in my garden, Niall weeds so often, they don’t get a chance to grow.

    1. Not at all, this made me smile. Maybe he might let you take the ‘Pollinator Promise’ and keep a few dandelions for our hard working bees. Have a good weekend.

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