16 thoughts on “Mrs Still’s Methlick Playground Quiz Part 1 #PSATakeover”

  1. That’s an excellent quiz, Mrs Still! I obviously don’t spend enough time in the playground, as I thought it was really difficult!

    1. I shall look forward to it, Mrs Still! The children can walk me round the playground and help me to identify where all the photos were taken.

  2. We did this over breakfast this morning. It was good fun. We struggled on a couple but got there in the end. Jack helped us out.

  3. Hello Mrs Still,
    What a great quiz. We have written them down on a piece of paper. The quiz was quite hard at the start. There were tricky ones and easy ones.
    Henry and Dee

    1. Thanks Henry and Dee. I really enjoyed being back in the playground again. I have some I will post another day!

  4. Mrs Still this is a great quiz! I struggled doing it – I should spend more time outside, clearly – but it was great fun. Looking forward checking where they all are, when we are back 🙂

    1. Thank you Miss Maturana. Hopefully we will be back in the nice weather and the children will enjoy showing you where they all are.

        1. Yes Megan. It is quite tricky. I am glad you had someone to help. I have some more to share some time soon.

  5. Well Mrs Still
    I think I have most of them. Like Emilee I’m a bit stumped on number 3!
    Can I just say the school, playground and especially the vengie are looking great.
    You are a fabulous photographer.

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