Bumblebee Reading Comprehension – Spicy

As our Eco-fortnight draws to a close, here is one last post on the subject of bumblebees.

The Bumblebee Conservation trust has a collection of activities and fact files for all ages.  Click on the link below to find out more:

All About Bees

Read the article in the following link.   If you can, print off the worksheet, complete the crossword and label the different parts of a bee.

Bee Facts

Finally, click on the Sway to find a series of questions to test your knowledge of bees!  Remember to answer in complete sentences.


17 thoughts on “Bumblebee Reading Comprehension – Spicy”

    1. Morning, Spencer. Glad you enjoyed answering the questions about the bees. Did you manage to do the labelling activity and the crossword as well?

    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Dee! It’s been very interesting to learn all about bees during our Eco-fortnight. I certainly know more now than I used to. 🐝🐝🐝

    1. Thanks for letting me know, Thomas. Let me know how you get on with the crossword. I’ve loved learning all about bees. 🐝

    1. Well done, Gabriella. I found the information sheet on the Bumblebee Conservation Trust website. There are lots of games and activities to try out, and you can learn so much about bees. 🐝

    1. Thank you for letting me know how you got on, Megan. Were you able to complete the labelling activity and the crossword as well? Why don’t you check out the website for lots more information and facts on bees? 🐝

    1. Wow! I didn’t check, Henry. You really outsmarted them! Maybe you should get in touch and make them aware of their mistake. I wonder if anyone else spotted it? Hope you enjoyed the activities anyway – thanks for taking part.

  1. Hi Ms Rees we have just finished the brilliant bees. Looking forward to seeing you when were back. We did the crossword and it was fun. We are wearing our school uniform today, wearing school uniform is fun.

    1. Thank you for taking part in the activity, girls. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Does it feel a bit funny wearing your school uniform today, at home? I bet it does!

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