Methlick’s Masterchefs

A huge ‘THANK YOU’ to everyone who sent in photographs of the wonderful food you’ve been making for my Feel-Good Friday challenge.

You’ve really inspired me to challenge myself and make some new things.   At the weekend I made butteries for the first time.  They weren’t easy, but I got there in the end!

Click  on the Sway to see all your amazing creations in the kitchen.



14 thoughts on “Methlick’s Masterchefs”

  1. Wow! All those cakes and bakes look YUMMY! Jacob and I made a Wimbledon Cake and we should of sent it in to you but they all look amazing and delicious

    1. Hi Emily, good to hear from you. Yes, everyone’s been very busy in their kitchens! It was lovely to see all the delicious things they’ve been making. If you have a photo of your Wimbledon cake (sounds interesting!) please send it to me. I’m going to make another Sway in future, as I know people are making new things all the time. It’s a great opportunity to learn a new skill. 🙂

    2. Hi Emily, I totally agree with you! I had to go and had a snack after I saw all the photos. It made me so happy to see how everybody has been cooking with their families at home. Well done everyone! Thank you Ms Rees for the photos.

      1. Thank you, Miss Maturana. Everyone should be very proud of themselves! I hope they continue to send in photos, as I would love to make another gallery. 🙂

  2. WOW Ms Rees

    What a talented bunch of pupils we have at Methlick:o)
    It’s making me quite hungry! I think a Bake Off should be organised once we are all back to school.
    I made a lemon drizzle cake for Zoe’s birthday🎂. She must have enjoyed it, as she has asked me to make another.

        1. Yes please! I already have a few new photos that people have sent today, ready for my next Sway. Keep them coming, please! 🙂

  3. WOW ! WOW! WOW !- what a bunch of talented bakers we have at Methlick. I’m so hungry now seeing all those wonderful treats. Well done everyone and well done Ms Rees for inspiring us all to bake. 🙂

  4. Ms Rees, that was a great idea creating that sway to show the talents of the pupils and staff at Methlick school. I must say I’ve been spending more time in the kitchen than usual.
    I’ve been making different soups. Most of them are made up recipes depending on what I have in my fridge and cupboards. I did make a Victoria sponge BUT need to restrict myself to one small slice a day or I would have to spend a lot of time out in the garden with my skipping rope.
    I’m wondering how many people have tried my skipping challenge.

    1. Thank you, Mrs Lusher. Cooking is a great life skill and, I have to say, I find it quite therapeutic too. 🙂

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