32 thoughts on “Assembly 11th May 2020”

  1. Mrs Fraser I love the idea of the Methlick’s Big Might In I will be shore to tell my parents about it. I’m going to draw the you told us to draw as well hope you have a good week πŸ˜ƒ πŸ˜„ 🌞

    1. Morning Greig- I’m so glad you like the Big NIght In idea- we are all very excited about it. Make sure you spread the word among your chums and family. Thanks for getting involved πŸ™‚

  2. Great assembly today! Mum loved the song this week.

    We had a tea party for VE Day and had lots of fun.
    Looking forward to the Big Night In 😊

    1. HI Ava- so glad you had a great VE day celebration. Sounds fun. Get cracking on your poster for the Big Night In and the self portrait for the school fence- what a busy day you will have πŸ™‚

    2. That sounds like you had a lovely Tea party for VE Day. We are looking forward to it too, we hope you can help with a poster for the Big Night In.

  3. I have put my VE Day pictures on sway. I loved singing the song this week, I did it twice! Methlicks big night in sounds fun.

  4. Morning Mrs Fraser, for V E Day I made lots of bunting I hung it up in window. I’m starting today with the picture of me with my arms out.

    1. Brilliant Henry- that sounds super. I can’t wait to see your picture. Remember to leave it at the shop for me.

  5. Your assembly was great today I miss you lots

    Looking forward to go back to school when this is done to see everyone again

    1. Hey Lucy- I miss you all too. I hope you can get involved with all my tasks this week- that will help is all stay connected πŸ™‚

    1. HI Hannah- thank you so much. I miss everyone too. I hope you can involved in our Big Night In and drawing task πŸ™‚

  6. Hi Mrs Fraser, I like the idea of the big night in. It sounds fun. I’m excited and we made lots of bunting and we coloured it in.

  7. Hi Mrs Fraser i’m really exited for the big Night in. For V.E day celebrations my family and i had a BBQ and made Victoria sponge. Hope you have a great week.

    1. Hi Rebecca- I’m so glad you like the Big Night In idea. Your VE day sounds fab. Yummy cake. I hope you do a drawing for the school fence πŸ™‚

  8. Hi Everyone,
    I spent VE day looking up what my Dad did during the World War 2. He was in the Navy and was a pilot. It made me appreciate what he went through as a young man. It made me feel very proud of him because it must have been very scary.
    It made me feel I too can be brave if I feel anxious at the moment, and that this will all end for us, just like the war did for my Dad.

    1. HI Mrs Still, Thanks so interesting to hear- no wonder you are proud. I agree lots of similar feelings for us just now. What special memeories- thank you for sharingπŸ’–

    1. HI Jack & Demi- I’m so glad you watch my assembly. We are all missing you too but there’s lots of ways to stay connected this week. I hope you get involved πŸ™‚

  9. Hi Mrs Fraser,
    We are going to do our pictures for the fence tomorrow and really looking forward to the Methlick Big Night In!

    1. Hi Levi and Reuben – lovely to hear from you. I can’t wait to see your pictures. I’m looking forward to the Big Night In as well. πŸ™‚

    2. Hi Levi & Reuben- that’s so great you’ll be involved. Thanks for doing the drawing for the fence πŸ™‚

  10. Adam, Anna and I walked down two the shop in our school uniforms and dropped of our pictures and picked up new jotters

    1. That’s good to know, Alex. You must be working hard if you’ve already finished your jotters – well done. Did it feel strange to be wearing your school uniform again?

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