47 thoughts on “Assembly 4th May 2020”

  1. Hello, Mrs Fraser. Happy Birthday! My three magical moments are when we took our new puppy on walk for the first time, when the meteor shower when by and when we had my mum’s birthday

  2. Hi Mrs Fraser hope you had a lovely weekend. My three magical moments are
    1 – spending more time and doing fun things with my family.
    2 – when my lambs were born called Edgar and Eric.
    3 – when we built a camp fire and toasted marshmallows.
    Have a great birthday.
    Cameron T

    1. HI Cameron I did have a lovely weekend thank you. I really like your magical moments. Were the lambs named after anyone ? Camp fire ,marshmallow and family time- those are special moments indeed.😁

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MRS FRASER! We loved the out of this world assembly!
    Emilys 3 magical moments are-
    1. I drew a pretty good flower picture
    2. Klassic, my pony jumped over a high jumps
    3. Baking some amazing cupcakes
    Jacobs 3 magical moment are-
    1. Scoring some basketball hoops
    2. Cycling 10 laps around our house with Emily
    3. Camping outside
    These are some of our magical moments.

    1. HI Emily and Jacob- I’m so glad you liked the assembly. Your magical moments sound brilliant- really fun times together and a few achievements in there too. Brilliant πŸ™‚

  4. Hi Mrs Fraser, that was a lovely Assembly. I will be eating some cake in your name today πŸ™‚ My three magical moments for this week were:
    1. Seen my family very often (video call).
    2. Seen my asparagus grow tall.
    3. Quizzing nights with our friends and family.
    Have a lovely day.

    1. Aww Thank you Miss Maturana. I bet it was lovely to see your family πŸ’– Thank you for sharing your moments. I’m delighted you are following my instructions and eating cake- enjoy πŸ™‚

  5. Hi Ms Fraser my 3 magical moments are
    1. getting my 2 kittens called Rocky and Milly
    2. getting a double back flip on trampoline
    3. spending time with my family!

    1. Hi Megan- wow- a double flip- that’s pretty cool. I bet Rocky & Milly are great to have around. Thank you for sharing πŸ™‚

  6. Hello Mrs Frazer , Happy birthday hope u have a great day. My 3 magical moments are
    baking with my sister
    bbq with my family
    and feeling alot better than i was x

  7. Mr and Mrs Reid’s three magical moments have been:

    – Participating in Game and Quiz nights every week with our friends
    – Having lots of fun and laughs creating videos for the Mr Reid vs Mr Mutch Challenges
    – Trying lots of new delicious recipes out – our new favourite recipe is for halloumi and pineapple burgers!

    1. Hello Mr & Mrs Reid,
      Thank you for sharing. They sound great magical moments. I agree – quiz nights are fab fun ! I want that recipe for those burgers- they sound like something I would like ! πŸ™‚

  8. Happy Birthday Mrs Fraser.
    Beths 3 magical moments
    1. Learning to ride her bike without stabilisers
    2. Teaching her dog skye ‘paw’
    3. Planting my vegetable patch and beginning to watch them grow.

    1. HI Beth, Thank you. Amazing Magical Moments- well done on no stabilisers. Thats a tough thing to learn to do- as is teaching your dog some tricks. I’ve planted a few vegetable things too- it’s exciting to see if they grow isn’t it? Thank you for sharing πŸ™‚

  9. Good Morning Mrs Fraser
    Enjoy today more than usual πŸŽ‚and the celebrations later.
    Thank you for an other lovely assembly, and the surprise call out.
    I love Star Wars, so the beginning of assembly was great.
    I might have a Star Wars day on Saturday, as a treat.
    My 3 magical moments have been
    1) Mastering SWAY, its taken a while, but I think I’ve cracked it.
    2) Catching up with friends on ZOOM
    3) Reminiscing with my COURAGE sisters on FB

    Ive been waiting for you Obi-Wan. We will meet again.

    1. Hello Mrs W- so lovely to hear from you. I’m so glad you liked the star wars theme- it was fun to do. I’m glad you’ve had magical moments catching up with people- its just the best isn’t it ? πŸ’–

  10. Hi Mrs Fraser,
    Happy Birthday and I hope you have a great day.
    My magical moments are
    1. My pumpkin seed that I planted started to grow
    2. I got a frozen 2 Anna dress up costume that I love, I did lots of chores to get it!
    3. Baking a Victoria sponge using blue and red food colouring. It turned out really well and was yummy!

    1. HI Ava- well done you getting chores done and getting a lovely reward for it. Your magical moments are lovely- thank you for sharing them. The cake sounds yummy indeed.

  11. My magical moments have been
    1. Riding my bike with my sister to Barthol Chapel and back home.
    2) camping in my garden for the Scouts world record attempt at the largest Virtual Camp.
    3)seeing 2 deer jump in front of me when I was biking near to the house.
    Liked the assembly and Happy Birthday Mrs Fraser!

    1. HI Jamie, I’m glad you liked the assembly. Those magical moments are great. I love seeing deer when out walking. Thank you for sharing and for the birthday wishes πŸ™‚

  12. Happy birthday, Mrs Fraser – hope you are having a lovely day!

    My 3 magical moments are:

    1. Getting a surprise ‘visit’ (conversation through the window) from a dear friend whom I haven’t seen in a long time

    2. Watching two rabbits playing on the grass right outside my house

    3. Listening to a piper playing for neighbours who were meant to be getting married at the weekend. That was quite an emotional one!

    1. Hello- Thank you so much. I love your mmoments. The piper playing must have indeed been a magical sound πŸ™‚

    2. That sounds amazing Ms Rees, having a piper play for your neighbours. It would have been very emotional. I am sure they will have a lovely wedding when this is all over.

  13. Happy Birthday to you!!!

    Bit of a struggle keeping Annabelle focused today as she has a horse arriving today which is pretty much the only great thing that has ever happened to her as you can imagine, however, in terms of magical moments she tells me:

    Movie night (the original -‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’
    ‘Ginny’ her peking bantum and her hanging out in her den.
    Just being outside on walks and bike rides taking advantage of the amazing spring weather.

    Please have a super (lock down) birthday.

    1. Hello Annabelle- that’s a real magical moment happening today! Your other magical moments sound lovely- thank you for sharing. I will indeed have a super day- thank you πŸ™‚

  14. Hi Mrs Fraser,
    Happy Birthday, hope you have a lovely day.
    My 3 magical moments are
    Speaking to my nieces on the telephone and seeing the giant marble run they made coming out their upstairs bedroom window and down into the garden and round the house.
    Spending time with my boys and doing things we never normally have time to do together.
    Going for walks in the countryside when it’s so peaceful at the moment.

    1. Hello Mrs Taylor- Those moments do sound magical- I love the idea of a giant marble run πŸ™‚
      Thank you for sharing

  15. Hello Mrs Fraser
    Our magical moments are
    Taking my new quad on walks
    Making cupcakes
    Playing on bouncy castle

    Making water balloons and paddling pool
    Going out I my bike lots more
    Making Tik toks

    Going out on my bike
    Playing Xbox with friends
    Long lies

    1. hello, Thank you so much for sharing all those magical moments. They sound brilliant- a lot of activity but also long lies and baking- all fantastic . Thank you for sharingπŸ‘

    2. Those cupcakes sound yummy, Anna. I bet the paddling pool is fun in this weather today, Kate. I’ve been on my bike a lot too Lucas. I love the quieter roads.

  16. Hello Mrs Fraser ,
    My 3 magical moments are :
    Discovering Kelly Lake
    Being awarded on Arts Award
    Learning to walk on my hands

    From Sienna

    1. Sienna,

      You’ve certainly had some very magical moments. Congratulations on winning the Arts Award – very well deserved – and being able to walk on your hands is a real skill! It’s something I’ve never been able to do.

    2. HI Sienna, What is Kelly lake ? I must look that up. I thought your award would be a magical moment- and rightly so.Are you doing fabulous walking on your hands I do hope soπŸ˜‚ Thank you for sharing.

  17. My 3 magical moments have been :

    Playing Fifa with my dad
    Riding my bike nearly everyday
    Baking a chocolate cake with mum


    1. Hi Sol, you have had lovely moment lately which will be amazing memories for later. I’m glad you have found different things to do with your family and that you are keeping yourself healthy by riding your bike. I would love to go for rides everyday but I don’t have a bike yet. Hope this week brings you more join and nice moments πŸ™‚

    2. HI Sol- I’m so glad you’ve had such lovely magical moments- doing things with mum and dad AND getting chocolate cake- that’s win win πŸ™‚

  18. Hi Mrs Fraser,

    My magic moments of lockdown have been planting cress seeds for my germination experiment, rearranging my room and moving my bed, and having a caveman feast with a bonfire.

    1. HI Evie- They really do sound like Magical Moments. I hope your seeds work out OK. I have also changed things around at home- it’s fun to do. The cave man feast sounds amazing fun- Were you just like Littlenose ? Thanks for sharing πŸ™‚

  19. Hi Mrs Fraser,

    My 3 magic moments have been planting our seeds, building a pond and decorating it with painted rocks, and starting to write a book.

    1. Hello Finlay and Evie, you have both been so busy and have some magical moments to remember. What is your book about, Finlay? I’m intrigued to know more! Your pond will attract lots of wildlife, I’m sure. Evie – a caveman feast sounds amazing – what did you have to eat?

  20. Hope you had a lovely birthday Mrs F, and didn’t each too much cake!
    Ruairdh’s 3, Family bike rides, exploring the woods, movie nights
    Eilidh’s 3 – Family bike rides, trampoline time, exploring the woods

  21. I have really enjoyed seeing what everyone has been up to and it looks like there have been some pretty special magical moments.
    My three are..
    1. Spending a lot of time with my daughter who has come home during this outbreak. She is fun and funny.
    2. Seeing nature enjoying there being less cars and people about. I’ve seen red squirrels and hedgehogs in the garden. I can go out on my bike and it is safer. I love that!
    3. Time to do puzzles – I love them!

  22. What a great assembly. Loved the wordles, and the idea of zooming down a hill on a unicorn!!
    Lovely to see Methlick school coming together.

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