‘The Book of Hopes’ – free online resource

Good morning, everyone.

Yesterday I came across this free online resource which I thought might be of interest, particularly to the older classes.  It is a collection of over 100 short stories, poems, essays and pictures from well-known authors,  poets and illustrators, all with the underlying theme of ‘Hope’.

The book, which is completely free, is dedicated to the doctors, nurses, carers, porters, cleaners and everyone currently working in hospitals.

Some of the stories are very thought-provoking, while others are amusing and guaranteed to cheer you up if you’re feeling down.

I hope you enjoy reading them.

The Book of Hopes

9 thoughts on “‘The Book of Hopes’ – free online resource”

  1. This looks really fun. I will go on the website after my walk with my dog. By the way I’m going to do another flower identification at the end of next week to see the difference. :):):):)

    1. Thank you, Greig. There’s a really good selection of reading material in it and some contributions from famous authors like Michael Morpurgo, Jacqueline Wilson and Francesca Simon. Enjoy reading them. 🙂

      Another flower identification walk sounds great. Are you going to make another quiz for me?

  2. I looked at the website.I also read a bit of the book of hope it sounded like a nice book have you read it yet?

    How are you today? :):):)

    1. Hi Shaun, thanks for checking the book out – there’s loads in it. I’ve read one or two of the short stories and poems already, but there are over 100 in it, so it’ll keep me going for a while!

      I’m fine, thank you. A bit fed-up at not being able to see everyone at school, but I’m sure we are all feeling the same. What are your plans for today?

  3. I’ve got to do school work until 3:15 and then i get on Fortnite and get to amuse myself.

    I do feel the same way i can get bored pretty easily. 🙂

    1. Well done for doing all that schoolwork! I’m sure Mr Reid is looking forward to seeing it all once we’re back at school. Hopefully the book will help stop you getting bore. It’s great when you find a good book that you can get ‘lost’ in. This is the sort that you can dip in and out of, as it’s a collection of short stories and poems rather than a long novel.

  4. I had a look at this book, and will probably start reading all of it later. It is a very interesting book, and i like the short note at the start. Thank you for telling me about this book! 🙂

    1. Great to hear you are going to give this a read, I am sure you will enjoy this let us know what you think during or when you finish reading it.

    2. No problem, Jessica. I’m glad you like it. If I find any more resources like that I’ll post them on the blog. Hopefully nobody will run out of books to read during the lockdown. 🙂

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