Eco Challenge from Eco Group and Mrs Flockton 29th April

This challenge may need some resources and time but it can be based around any theme. Read on to find out….

I have added it now so that people can gather items and be ready for the closing dates if you wish to enter.

Task – Both of these websites have Gardening competitions to design a shoebox or small garden at home. ‘One Seed Forward’ are the local group who we get our free seed potatoes from and Keep Scotland Beautiful is a National resource who run the Eco Schools award. Both tasks are similar but the Keep Scotland Beautiful one is more strict with items used so it may be possible to enter both with one entry but please read the guidelines.

One Seed Forward Local Shoebox Garden Competition

Last years winner was a pupil from Methlick for this competition (See web post)Β  Here is her winning garden.


Keep Scotland Beautiful Pop-up garden from Home Competition 2020

Here are some examples from previous years.

Let us know if you have managed any gardening activities big or small. We know a few of you have been busy helping in the garden doing various things and good luck if you enter either of these competitions. Comment to let me know if you do or you think you might.

Best wishes Mrs Flockton and the Eco group.

13 thoughts on “Eco Challenge from Eco Group and Mrs Flockton 29th April”

    1. Fantastic work Megan, have a read of the instructions. There might be time to grow some lettuce or similar if you are able to get seeds. Good luck and let me know if you want help.

  1. I LOVE this idea Mrs Flockton. Thank you for sharing it. I’m looking forward to seeing the designs and gardens Methlick pupils create.πŸ’–πŸŒΌπŸŒΊ

  2. we have planted some basil,chives, herb mix,thyme rocket salad and lettuce we have also planted peas my Nana sent to us from near Whitley bay the herb mix is growing and is nearly ready to be transplanted outside we are waiting for the peas to grow and our basil is doing well as well.

    1. Hi Rebecca-That sounds fantastic! Your garden must look beautiful, well done for putting so much effort into it πŸ™‚

    1. Gabriella and Alexander-Excellent! I’m sure you will have lots of fun, don’t forget to send your results πŸ™‚ Good luck.

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