Magic Words – Spanish

During this period of being at home we have learnt to be more thankful about people, moments and opportunities. Also, the beautiful Assembly we had yesterday gave us the opportunity to think of different ways to say thank you.

So when we are thankful about something or someone we say “Thank you”  and that is our first Magic Word. We usually use 3 magic words all the time, can you remember the other 2?

Your challenges for today is related to these important Magic Words, click on the sway to see them.

Magic Words
The following words can make a huge difference in our lives by using them. We use them all the time and lately we might have been using them even more. Today we will use them as much as we …
Go to this Sway


3 thoughts on “Magic Words – Spanish”

    1. Hi Ruth, that was a great idea. I’d love to see your poster if Mum wants to send it to me by email. I’m sure Miss Maturana would like to see it too. What else have you been up to this week so far? 🙂

    2. I am so happy to hear that Ruth! Well done for trying this task, I would love if you could send it to me por favor. Gracias! 🙂

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