Don’t Say ‘Said’!

Good morning, everyone!

Welcome back to the Blog.  It seems very strange not to be taking in the lines as usual on the first day of term.  I also miss hearing your holiday news, but you can leave a message here or on Seesaw to let me know what you’ve been up to (or write it in your journal).

Anyway, I hope you had a lovely break enjoying the sunshine over the holidays and are all ready for some more learning activities in Term 4.

To kick-start the term, I have a Literacy challenge for you.  You may already have seen that one of the reading tasks in this week’s Spicy Literacy Grid involves finding different words in your reading book that the author uses instead of ‘said’.

Click on my Sway to find out more …

P.S.   House points will be awarded to the pupil with the highest total (I will have to verify this once we’re back at school)!

P.P.S. Maybe some of the teachers/parents would like to have a go at this as well?

14 thoughts on “Don’t Say ‘Said’!”

  1. Good morning Ms Rees I loved your sway I’m working on it right now . Bye the way I got 2 black kittens named Rocky am Mill

    1. Good morning Megan, lovely to hear from you. I’m glad you like my Sway and am looking forward to seeing how you get on with the challenge. I’m even happier that you’ve got two kittens! I hope they are behaving themselves and not getting up to too much mischief.

        1. Oh dear! Megan, I liked your idea of painting stones and placing them around Methlick. I’m sure it cheered many people up. I have seen a few in Ellon as well.

  2. Good morning Ms Rees and Megan. It’s a lovely sunny day here in Inverurie. I think I’ll have a go at your challenge Ms Rees.
    I’ve been painting some stones myself. Some for my grandchildren, others for my nieces and nephew and lastly to show my support for the NHS and key workers.
    You will notice I even did one for Methlick School.
    I’d love to see pictures of any stones that any children have painted.

    1. Nice to hear from you, Mrs Lusher – I hope you have had a relaxing Easter break. The weather has been amazing for the time of year. I’d love to see some more of your stones, as well as any that pupils have done. Good luck with my latest challenge. A few years ago, my class managed to get over 100 words that could be used instead of ‘said’. I wonder if you will be able to find more?

    1. Hello, Sorcha, lovely to hear from you. Well done on finding 15 words in Charlotte’s Web. It’s such a good book. I had a very quiet Easter – went for long walks in the sunshine, did many crosswords, experimented with a few new recipes and spent a lot of time with the cat. I hope you had a good Easter with your family too. 🙂

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