The Adventures of Littlecat

Good morning everyone!

Meet Littlecat – my lovely 9 year old tabby.

She’s very friendly and pretty smart too.  I’ve trained her to sit, lie down, give a paw and jump up on her hind legs.  However, she also likes getting up to mischief.  Some of you may already have heard about her exploits – like sleeping in the kitchen drawer, getting stuck on the garage roof, or hiding 56 (yes, 56!) clothes pegs under the tumble-dryer.  She would carry them in her mouth, line them up in front of the tumble-dryer, and shoot them under it with her paw as if she was scoring a goal.

Imagine if she came to stay with you … what kind of adventures would you have together?  Who would get into more trouble – you or her?

Why not write a short story about what you would both get up to? Remember – she IS mischievous – and very smart!

Have fun.  🙂


25 thoughts on “The Adventures of Littlecat”

    1. I think so too, Megan, but I’m biased! Have you tried any of the activities on the blog yet? I’m trying to write some haiku poems at the moment. You should have a go too!

      1. I forgot what a haiku is.
        All I remember it has 3 lines and about nature. And yes I’m doing my homework. I also miss you a lot x

        1. Have a look at the Learning Grid, Megan. There’s an explanation there, which should give you all the information you need. I think we’re all finding it very strange not seeing each other every day, but at least we can all keep in touch here on the blog. 🙂

      2. I forgot what a haiku is all I remember is it has to have three lines 7 syllables . Yes I’m doing my homework right now and I miss you x🐱

        1. Go to the Literacy Grid, look at the HOT challenges, and the explanation is there for you. The syllable count is usually 5-7-5, but people don’t really stick to it so rigidly now. If you’re interested, the British Haiku Society has a website which will explain it a lot better than I can. I love poetry! 🙂 Here’s an example from one of their poets – as you can see it doesn’t follow the 5-7-5 pattern.

          branch to branch
          releasing sudden snowfalls
          these sharp-eyed rooks

  1. I’m in P1 and wanted to write about Littlecat, she reminded me of when someones cat ran into our house one day.

    “Little cat ran up the stairs and wouldn’t come down. She hid toys in the cupboard.” I drew a picture of it too.

  2. I am Joe in P1 and I wanted to write about Littlecat as she reminded me of when a neighbours cat ran into our house.

    “Littlecat ran up the stairs and wouldn’t come down. She hid toys in the cupboard.” I drew a picture too.

    1. Joe, that’s lovely! Well done. That’s exactly the sort of thing that she would do. I can’t wait to see your picture of her!

    1. Good for you, Taylor! I look forward to reading it. At the moment she’s curled up asleep on my bed, but no doubt she’ll be up to her usual tricks sooner or later. 🙂

      1. Glad to hear it Alex – I’m looking forward to reading them all. I’ll try to post up some more photos of her in unusual places – I’ve definitely got one of her sitting in a shoebox!

    1. Hi Finlay, You’ve done a great job with your Sway – and you’ve been up to so many interesting activities. I love your drawings – they’re excellent – and I think making your own charcoal pencils and creating cave art is a super idea. Let’s hope the weather stays good so that you can get outside again for some outdoor learning. I look forward to seeing more of your wonderful drawings as well. Have fun!

    2. Hi Finlay, you did a great job with that sway. I love the things you have been doing with your family, they look so fun! Have a nice day today.

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