Good Morning Methlick School!


Good morning?
How is everyone today?

You have your journals and the learning grids to help you get started.
The teachers have organised a rota so that new posts are gradually added to the blog throughout the week.
In the background the teachers are planning, creating and writing new blog posts to help you with the activities on the grid.
We will try our best to approve your comments between 9am and 3.15pm.
We are all having to learn a new way of working so let’s continue to be kind and patient with each other as we begin this new learning journey.
Mrs Fraser.


95 thoughts on “Good Morning Methlick School!”

  1. Good morning teachers! I miss you all but looking forward to doing some work at home with my Mummy & I can even do it in my pyjamas!

  2. Morning everyone! Hope you had a relaxing weekend. I went out for a walk in the sunshine and started reading a new book – what did you get up to?

    1. We went to take our dog for a walk, went to the beach and played in the sand and made a dam in the stream.

      1. Sounds like a lovely time outside Dee, I remember when I used to stay beside the beach and we built dams. I loved to watch the dam burst and see where the water flowed.

    2. Harry and Emily played and Harry made Emily a barn and a hotel in Minecraft, watched newsround this morning and about to do some maths.

      1. Good for them – well done, Harry and Emily. Hope you’re enjoying the activities that we’ve planned. Keep checking to see what else is happening, as we’ll be adding things from day to day!

      1. Lovely to make contact in a safe way. I went to see my Mum too. I placed her gift on the doorstep and went back into the car and called her on the phone and we spoke while she stood inside her porch – very different this year.

      2. Evie, that sounds like a lovely moment with your family, although it can feel strange and odd I bet seeing your happy smile meant the world to your Granny and Pops.

    3. We went to Balmedie sand dunes with our dogs.
      We face timed grannie and I started to watch Charlotte’ s web.
      I will start to read the book today.

      1. Hi Sorcha, good to hear from you. Did your mum like the Mother’s Day card and poem? It would have been lovely at Balmedie, as it was so sunny over the weekend. Charlotte’s Web is a super book – I hope you enjoy reading it.

    1. Good morning, Cameron! P.E with Joe sounds like the perfect start to the week. I hope the rest of the family joined in with you.

  3. Hello everyone
    Just got a lovely surprise.
    A lovely thank you card from Murdo in P1.
    Thanks Murdo that was very thoughtful and kind of you.
    Hope you are not missing school too much and that you are finding things to keep you busy.

    A very happy Mrs Lusher

  4. I went for a walk with my mum, dad and sister.
    I also made a butterfly for my mum for Mother’s Day with my Dad’s help.

    1. It is always great to enjoy some fresh air. You will have to add a picture of your butterfly to your Sway Journal, I can just imagine how creative it is.

  5. Afternoon Everyone !

    Sienna & Sol have been so excited about getting started and waking mum up early at the weekend to do our home learning,
    We are trying to get the dog out walking daily and thought we may track our distances over the closure and see how many miles we do all together .
    Thankfully we have made it to Monday and it’s started with PE with Joe Wicks and then some learning.
    We are doing some Art with Thumper as our feature for the afternoon.

    1. Hello Sienna and Sol! It is great to hear from you both.

      I think that keeping track of your walking is a fantastic idea. Could you keep us all up to date with how many miles walk each week? Enjoy your learning today.

    2. That sounds like quite the exciting challenge, I wonder how many miles you will walk, could you match it with something the equivalent distance of…
      I will have to join in with Joe Wicks lessons I think.
      I look forward to see how your art afternoon goes, if you can add a photo to your Sway Journal that would be great.

    3. Hi Sienna and Sol! Good idea to track how far you’ve walked – not maybe quite as much fun as a game of benchball, but at least you’re getting lots of exercise! Have fun in the afternoon with your Thumper art.

    4. Hi there Sienna and Sol! What a great idea, tracking how far you walk during the school closure. Maybe not as much fun as a game of benchball, but at least you’re getting fresh air and exercise. Enjoy your Thumper art this afternoon. 🙂

  6. Hi everyone. We all went out for a walk with our family and our dog scooby.
    We did maths and stared to right stories with our mummy.

  7. My post lady arrived early today with a lovely surprise. Thank you P1 (esp Joe for the beautiful handwriting) and Ms Rossvoll.
    Mrs Webster

  8. hello everyone , I hope u had a good weekend as i went out on a walk with my sister , my mum , and my 2 dogs. Also i went over to my nanny’s house in Methlick to clean my motor bike as it was extremely dirty. I better go do more work so bye right now.

      1. hello miss deans , i hope u had a great weekend aswell,as i was working very hard last night and this morning , my dad took me and aimee to aberdeen to get a lovely macdonalds before we did more work again 🙂

    1. Great to hear from you, Emma. It sounds like you had a busy weekend! I hope you’re enjoying your first day of Home Learning.

  9. We survived the first day (and so did mum!) !!!! We went for a walk up the lane first thing. Then did a little of glow work, made some banana loaf using the slow cooker (thank you Leah O for the recipe) and chose a book to read. Our mum has made us a tuck shop so we can learn about money (and to stop us from eating so many snacks!).

    1. Hello Sally, how are you doing? It’s lovely to hear from you. Yes, I miss everyone as well – it feels very strange not seeing your happy faces in the morning and hearing all your news, but I’m sure we’ll get used to it. I’m excited to read your story – what is it about? Can you make a Sway and put it on there so I can read it?

  10. iv’e been doing my Joe wicks workout every morning, today my mum even joined in. I’ve been learning my 6,7,8 and 9 times tables. Today on my schedule i have home economics and coding I’m really exited for coding this afternoon. just a few minutes ago
    my cat Ginny caught a mouse and i screamed my mum took the mouse outside. this morning someone came to fix our septic tank because we had sewage in our garden and our bathroom light keeps flickering.

    1. Wow, Rebecca you sound very busy. I have amended your post to keep your work private, if you find a minute can you send it to me using Glow. You can use my email address I have sent on Seesaw (add on the end. thank you for your hard work.

  11. Good Morning Primary 1 and 2. Mrs Still here. It’s Thursday and I am usually in your classes so I thought I would just say ‘Hello’! I hope you are enjoying doing your work at home. I have been seeing what you are up to on this blog and it looks like you have been having fun. Hope you are getting outside for some fresh air too!

  12. I made a spring acrostic poem

    Season has began
    Pratically perfect
    Rabbits everywhere
    Insects all around you
    Nibblind on chocolate
    Goats are cute

  13. Yesterday i made a science experiment.I made a bouncy egg.First i put an egg in vinigar and waited for 24 hours and rubbed the Shell off and there you have a bouncy egg.🤩😎

    1. That sounds very interesting, Sally. We’ll need to try that experiment once we’re back at school. I wonder how our mummified fruit is getting on? I left it on the windowsill.

  14. Morning everyone I couldn’t do the Joe wicks workout today because my heel is really sore and i cant put weight on it so i did some yoga instead my mum joined in with the yoga and were going to do a sean vigue yoga.

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