Hello, I am Kirsty B. and I am one of your new bloggers for this year and I am really looking forward to it. We have all been given a primary to blog about and I have been given P6 and P5/6 and I will keep you up to date with all the news and what is happening. You might see me around school with a camera because I will be taking pictures too, not just writing.
Primary 5/6 and 6’s project is Mary Queen Of Scots and Im have taken a few pictures of some work they have been doing.
Hello everyone!
I’m Caroline and I am in primary seven. I am one of the new bloggers for primary one. I will be keeping you all up to date with what the primary one’s are doing.
Primary one’s teachers are Miss Heron and Mrs Robertson and their topic is Our School. I have taken photo’s of some tigers and parrots they have made.
Hey! My name is Kirsty. I am going to be the primary 7 school blogger.I love to type on the computer and have very fast fingers. I am a P7.
New school year
Welcome back to a new school year at Markethill. We are looking forward to some very exciting events. This blog will keep you up to date with everything that the pupils are doing, and will give you a chance to make comments.
We are hoping to get more parents, extended families and members of the community involved in the life of the school and at the moment the following groups require help and are looking for new members:
- Health Promoting Group
- Playground Committee
- Parent Council
- Fundraising Committee
For further information please contact the school.
Primary 2/8 and their tatties!
At last, the day arrived for Primary 2/8 to dig up their plants and see what had grown in their bags.A bumper crop of tatties was produced, which were then cooked by the school cook and served up to children and staff. I felt very privileged to be invited through to the tasting. They were delicious! Here are a couple of photos.
Mrs Maclean
A message from Mrs Booth!
Congratulations to all of the pupils who have made this blog a success. I hope that everyone has a super holiday and I wish the P7 pupils all the best for their next step in education at the academies. Happy Holiday.
Netball Tournament!
P6-7 football tournament!
Primary 1-3 Sports day
Leaving Markethill!?
Primary 7’s at Markethill only have 8 and a half weeks until they go to the academy! What is everyone going to miss? Are you going to miss the cheesy pizza, or your teacher? Maybe your going to miss playtimes with Mrs Craib and the other staff? Leave a comment and let us know what you think!