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More Loch Insh photos
Here is a link to a slideshow of Loch Insh Tigers!
Jubilee Garden Party
Thank you to Jack for adding the first of the photos. Slideshow to follow soon!
the p6s did a bit of home work
jubilee fun
Last day…. home soon!!
Today’s photos
Hello there, hopefully we will have some photos at some point tonight….. I think they’re all busy at the party! I’ll keep checking my emails and add them as soon as I get them. Mrs Maclean
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Sorry but unfortunately no wifi at Loch Insh tonight 🙁 Final update will be tomorrow morning.
Blog helpers
Thank you to Jill, James, Tasha and Kennedy for coming along after school to have a go at writing on the blog. They worked very hard and picked things up very quickly. Hopefully Jill and James will consider joining the team after the summer!! 🙂
By tasha
There is olympic poster that p7/21 had made they made a good job of it.There is lots of diffrent sports we r still doing some and i made medals that was hard we have to go in twos.